Sara A. Haas
Sara A. Haas
Senior Data Scientist, Curamando
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An eye tracking investigation of developmental change in bottom-up attention orienting to faces in cluttered natural scenes
D Amso, S Haas, J Markant
PloS one 9 (1), e85701, 2014
Bottom-up attention orienting in young children with autism
D Amso, S Haas, E Tenenbaum, J Markant, SJ Sheinkopf
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 44, 664-673, 2014
The Relations between Reactivity at 4 Months and Behavioral Inhibition in the Second Year: Replication across Three Independent Samples
NA Fox, N Snidman, SA Haas, KA Degnan, J Kagan
Infancy, 2014
Working memory updating and the development of rule-guided behavior
D Amso, S Haas, L McShane, D Badre
Cognition 133 (1), 201-210, 2014
The effects of emotion priming on visual search in socially anxious adults
SA Haas, D Amso, NA Fox
Cognition & Emotion, 2016
Social cognition in refugee children: an experimental cross-sectional study of emotional processing with Syrian families in Turkish communities
G Gredebäck, S Haas, J Hall, S Pollak, DC Karakus, M Lindskog
Royal Society Open Science 8 (8), 210362, 2021
Developmental changes in the association between cognitive control and anxiety
CA Filippi, A Subar, S Ravi, S Haas, SV Troller-Renfree, NA Fox, ...
Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-11, 2022
Infants’ selective visual attention is dependent on maternal affect and emotional context
J Juvrud, SA Haas, NA Fox, G Gredebäck
Frontiers in psychology 12, 700272, 2021
High quality social environment buffers infants’ cognitive development from poor maternal mental health: Evidence from a study in Bhutan
J Juvrud, SA Haas, M Lindskog, K Astor, SC Namgyel, T Wangmo, ...
Developmental Science 25 (3), e13203, 2022
Emotional distractors and attentional control in anxious youth: Eye tracking and fMRI data
AR Smith, SP Haller, SA Haas, D Pagliaccio, B Behrens, C Swetlitz, ...
Cognition and Emotion 35 (1), 110-128, 2021
Greater response interference to pain faces under low perceptual load conditions in adolescents with impairing pain: a role for poor attention control mechanisms in pain …
JYF Lau, E Sprecher, S Haas, S Lisk, D Pagliaccio, L Sharpe, Y Bar-Haim, ...
The journal of pain 20 (4), 453-461, 2019
King’s Research Portal
JYF Lau, E Sprecher, S Haas, S Lisk, D Pagliaccio, L Sharpe, DS Pine
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Articles 1–12