Maher Hassab El-Nabi Khalil
Maher Hassab El-Nabi Khalil
Formal Dean, Professor of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture., Benha University
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A genetic analysis of litter traits in Bauscat and Giza White rabbits
Khalil M.H., Owen J.B., Afifi E.A.
Animal Production, Britain 45 (1), 123-134, 1987
Methods, criteria, techniques and genetic responses for rabbit selection (Invited paper)
Khalil M.H., Al-Saef A.M.
9th World Rabbit Congress, 10-13 June 2008, Verona, Italy, Invited paper …, 2008
Crossbreeding effects for litter and lactation traits in a Saudi project to develop new lines of rabbits suitable for hot climates
Al-Saef A.M., Khalil M.H., Al-Homidan A.H., Al-Dobaib S.N., Al-Sobayil K.A ...
Livestock Science 118 (3), 238-246, 2008
A review of phenotypic and genetic parameters associated with meat production traits in rabbits
Khalil M.H., Owen J.B., Afifi E.A.
Animal Breeding Abstracts 54 (9), 725-749, 1986
Development of rabbit industry in Egypt (Invited paper)
Galal E.S.E., Khalil M.H.
Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes, Spain 8, 43-56, 1994
Crossbreeding components in age at first egg and egg production for crossing Saudi chickens with White Leghorn
Khalil M.H, Al-Homidan A.H., Hermes I.H.
Livestock Research for Rural Development 16 (1), 1-13, 2004
Heterosis, maternal and direct effects for postweaning growth traits and carcass performance in rabbit crosses
Afifi E.A., Khalil M.H., Khadr Amina F., Youssef Y.M.K.
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Germany 111 (1‐6), 138-147, 1994
Heterosis, maternal and direct additive effects for litter performance and postweaning growth in Gabali rabbits and their F1 crosses with New Zealand White
Khalil M.H., Afifi E.A.
7th World Rabbit Congress, 3-7 July, Valencia, Spain 1, 431- 437, 2000
Lactational performance of Giza White rabbits and its relation with pre-weaning litter traits
Khalil M.H.
Animal Production, British 59 (01), 141-145, 1994
Effect of feeding discarded dates on milk yield and composition of Aradi goats
Al-Dobaib S.N., Mehaia M.A., Khalil M.H.
Small Ruminant Research 81 (2), 167-170, 2009
Line A rabbits (Spain)
Baselga M., Khalil M.H.
Options Méditerranéennes, Série B: Etudes et Recherches, 38, 225-230, 2002
Heterosis, maternal and direct genetic effects for litter performance and reproductive intervals in rabbit crosses.
Khalil M.H., Afifi E.A., Youssef Y.M.K., Khadr A.F.
World Rabbit Science, France 3 (3), 99-105, 1995
Genetic evaluation of growth traits in a crossbreeding experiment involving two local strains of chickens using multi-trait animal model
Iraqi M.M., Hanafi M.S., Khalil M.H., El-Labban A.F.M., Ell-Sisy M.
Livestock Research for Rural Development 14 (5), 69-79, 2002
Estimation of heterotic components for growth and livability traits in a crossbreeding experiment of Saudi chickens with White Leghorn
Khalil M.H., Hermes I.H., Al-Homidan A.H.
Egyptian Poultry Science 19 (3), 491-507, 1999
Additive and heterotic components for post-weaning growth traits in a crossing project of V-line with Gabali rabbits in Egypt
Iraqi M.M., Afifi E.A., Baselga M., Khalil M.H., García M.L.
9th World Rabbit Congress, 10-13 June 2008, Verona, Italy 1, 131-135, 2008
A joint project to synthesize new lines of rabbits in Egypt and Saudi Arabia: Emphasis for results and prospects
Youssef Y.K., Iraqi M.M., El-Raffa A.M., Afifi E.A., Khalil M.H., García M.L ...
9th World Rabbit Congress, 10-13 June 2008, Verona, Italy, Management and …, 2008
Rabbit genetic resources in Mediterranean countries
Khalil, M.H., Baselga, M.
Options Méditerranéennes. Série B: Etudes et Recherches (CIHEAM) 38, 262, 2002
The Baladi rabbits (Egypt)
Khalil M.H.
Options Méditerranénnes, Series B, Spain 38, 37-50, 2002
The Baladi rabbits (Model for Egypt)
Khalil M.H.
A Booklet, Rabbit Genetic Resources in Mediterranean Countries, http://agris …, 1997
Effects on maternal performance and litter preweaning traits in doe rabbits
Afifi E.A., Khalil M.H., Emara M.E.
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Germany 106, 358-362, 1989
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Articles 1–20