Vladimir Kefalov, Ph.D.
Vladimir Kefalov, Ph.D.
Professor of Ophthalmology, University of California, Irvine
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The cone-specific visual cycle
JS Wang, VJ Kefalov
Progress in retinal and eye research 30 (2), 115-128, 2011
Cyp27c1 red-shifts the spectral sensitivity of photoreceptors by converting vitamin A1 into A2
JM Enright, MB Toomey, S Sato, SE Temple, JR Allen, R Fujiwara, ...
Current Biology 25 (23), 3048-3057, 2015
An alternative pathway mediates the mouse and human cone visual cycle
JS Wang, VJ Kefalov
Current Biology 19 (19), 1665-1669, 2009
Intra-retinal visual cycle required for rapid and complete cone dark adaptation
JS Wang, ME Estevez, MC Cornwall, VJ Kefalov
Nature neuroscience 12 (3), 295-302, 2009
Role of visual pigment properties in rod and cone phototransduction
V Kefalov, Y Fu, N Marsh-Armstrong, KW Yau
Nature 425 (6957), 526-531, 2003
Rod and cone visual pigments and phototransduction through pharmacological, genetic, and physiological approaches
VJ Kefalov
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (3), 1635-1641, 2012
CRALBP supports the mammalian retinal visual cycle and cone vision
Y Xue, SQ Shen, J Jui, AC Rupp, LC Byrne, S Hattar, JG Flannery, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 125 (2), 727-738, 2015
Human infrared vision is triggered by two-photon chromophore isomerization
G Palczewska, F Vinberg, P Stremplewski, MP Bircher, D Salom, K Komar, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (50), E5445-E5454, 2014
Age-related deterioration of rod vision in mice
AV Kolesnikov, J Fan, RK Crouch, VJ Kefalov
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (33), 11222-11231, 2010
P23H opsin knock-in mice reveal a novel step in retinal rod disc morphogenesis
S Sakami, AV Kolesnikov, VJ Kefalov, K Palczewski
Human molecular genetics 23 (7), 1723-1741, 2014
Breaking the covalent bond—a pigment property that contributes to desensitization in cones
VJ Kefalov, ME Estevez, M Kono, PW Goletz, RK Crouch, MC Cornwall, ...
Neuron 46 (6), 879-890, 2005
Reprogramming of adult rod photoreceptors prevents retinal degeneration
CL Montana, AV Kolesnikov, SQ Shen, CA Myers, VJ Kefalov, JC Corbo
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (5), 1732-1737, 2013
Protein misfolding and the pathogenesis of ABCA4-associated retinal degenerations
N Zhang, Y Tsybovsky, AV Kolesnikov, M Rozanowska, M Swider, ...
Human molecular genetics 24 (11), 3220-3237, 2015
Phototransduction in rods and cones
Y Fu
Quantal noise from human red cone pigment
Y Fu, V Kefalov, DG Luo, T Xue, KW Yau
Nature neuroscience 11 (5), 565-571, 2008
Signaling properties of a short-wave cone visual pigment and its role in phototransduction
G Shi, KW Yau, J Chen, VJ Kefalov
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (38), 10084-10093, 2007
Essential and synergistic roles of RP1 and RP1L1 in rod photoreceptor axoneme and retinitis pigmentosa
T Yamashita, J Liu, J Gao, S LeNoue, C Wang, J Kaminoh, SJ Bowne, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (31), 9748-9760, 2009
Role of guanylyl cyclase modulation in mouse cone phototransduction
K Sakurai, J Chen, VJ Kefalov
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (22), 7991-8000, 2011
Ex vivo ERG analysis of photoreceptors using an in vivo ERG system
F Vinberg, AV Kolesnikov, VJ Kefalov
Vision research 101, 108-117, 2014
Molecular properties of rhodopsin and rod function
H Imai, V Kefalov, K Sakurai, O Chisaka, Y Ueda, A Onishi, T Morizumi, ...
Journal of biological chemistry 282 (9), 6677-6684, 2007
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