Anna Sanpera
Cited by
Cited by
Ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices: mimicking condensed matter physics and beyond
M Lewenstein, A Sanpera, V Ahufinger, B Damski, A Sen, U Sen
Advances in Physics 56 (2), 243-379, 2007
Dark solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates
S Burger, K Bongs, S Dettmer, W Ertmer, K Sengstock, A Sanpera, ...
Physical Review Letters 83 (25), 5198, 1999
Volume of the set of separable states
K Życzkowski, P Horodecki, A Sanpera, M Lewenstein
Physical Review A 58 (2), 883, 1998
Quantum privacy amplification and the security of quantum cryptography over noisy channels
D Deutsch, A Ekert, R Jozsa, C Macchiavello, S Popescu, A Sanpera
Physical review letters 77 (13), 2818, 1996
Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices: Simulating quantum many-body systems
M Lewenstein, A Sanpera
OUP Oxford, 2012
Feynman's path-integral approach for intense-laser-atom interactions
P Salieres, B Carré, L Le Déroff, F Grasbon, GG Paulus, H Walther, ...
Science 292 (5518), 902-905, 2001
Classification of mixed three-qubit states
A Acín, D Bruß, M Lewenstein, A Sanpera
Physical Review Letters 87 (4), 040401, 2001
Experimental detection of multipartite entanglement using witness operators
M Bourennane, M Eibl, C Kurtsiefer, S Gaertner, H Weinfurter, O Gühne, ...
Physical review letters 92 (8), 087902, 2004
Detection of entanglement with few local measurements
O Gühne, P Hyllus, D Bruß, A Ekert, M Lewenstein, C Macchiavello, ...
Physical Review A 66 (6), 062305, 2002
Individual quantum probes for optimal thermometry
LA Correa, M Mehboudi, G Adesso, A Sanpera
Physical review letters 114 (22), 220405, 2015
Separability and entanglement of composite quantum systems
M Lewenstein, A Sanpera
Physical review letters 80 (11), 2261, 1998
Local description of quantum inseparability
A Sanpera, R Tarrach, G Vidal
Physical Review A 58 (2), 826, 1998
Nonsequential double ionization of helium
JB Watson, A Sanpera, DG Lappas, PL Knight, K Burnett
Physical review letters 78 (10), 1884, 1997
Schmidt-number witnesses and bound entanglement
A Sanpera, D Bruß, M Lewenstein
Physical Review A 63 (5), 050301, 2001
Separability and distillability in composite quantum systems-a primer
M Lewenstein, D Bruß, JI Cirac, B Kraus, M Kuś, J Samsonowicz, ...
Journal of Modern Optics 47 (14-15), 2481-2499, 2000
Reflections upon separability and distillability
D Bruß, JI Cirac, P Horodecki, F Hulpke, B Kraus, M Lewenstein, ...
Journal of Modern Optics 49 (8), 1399-1418, 2002
Quantum non-demolition detection of strongly correlated systems
K Eckert, O Romero-Isart, M Rodriguez, M Lewenstein, ES Polzik, ...
Nature Physics 4 (1), 50-54, 2008
High-order harmonics of 248.6-nm KrF laser from helium and neon ions
SG Preston, A Sanpera, M Zepf, WJ Blyth, CG Smith, JS Wark, MH Key, ...
Physical Review A 53 (1), R31, 1996
Thermometry in the quantum regime: recent theoretical progress
M Mehboudi, A Sanpera, LA Correa
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (30), 303001, 2019
Coherent evolution of bouncing Bose-Einstein condensates
K Bongs, S Burger, G Birkl, K Sengstock, W Ertmer, K Rzazewski, ...
Physical review letters 83 (18), 3577, 1999
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Articles 1–20