Ben Hambly
Ben Hambly
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
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Uniqueness for the signature of a path of bounded variation and the reduced path group
B Hambly, T Lyons
Annals of Mathematics, 109-167, 2010
Recent advances in reinforcement learning in finance
B Hambly, R Xu, H Yang
Mathematical Finance 33 (3), 437-503, 2023
Monte Carlo methods for the valuation of multiple‐exercise options
N Meinshausen, BM Hambly
Mathematical Finance: An International Journal of Mathematics, Statistics …, 2004
Transition density estimates for Brownian motion on affine nested fractals
PJ Fitzsimmons, BM Hambly, T Kumagai
Communications in Mathematical Physics 165, 595-620, 1994
Modelling spikes and pricing swing options in electricity markets
B Hambly, S Howison, T Kluge
Commodities, 573-594, 2022
Transition density estimates for diffusion processes on post critically finite self-similar fractals
BM Hambly, T Kumagai
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 78 (2), 431-458, 1999
Transition density estimates for Brownian motion on scale irregular Sierpinski gaskets
MT Barlow, BM Hambly
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics 33 (5 …, 1997
Invariance principle for the random conductance model
S Andres, MT Barlow, JD Deuschel, BM Hambly
Probability Theory and Related Fields 156 (3), 535-580, 2013
Brownian motion on a homogeneous random fractal
BM Hambly
Probability theory and related fields 94, 1-38, 1992
Brownian motion on a random recursive Sierpinski gasket
BM Hambly
The Annals of Probability 25 (3), 1059-1102, 1997
Parabolic Harnack inequality and local limit theorem for percolation clusters
B Hambly, M Barlow
Policy gradient methods for the noisy linear quadratic regulator over a finite horizon
B Hambly, R Xu, H Yang
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 59 (5), 3359-3391, 2021
Stochastic evolution equations in portfolio credit modelling
N Bush, BM Hambly, H Haworth, L Jin, C Reisinger
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 2 (1), 627-664, 2011
A McKean–Vlasov equation with positive feedback and blow-ups
B Hambly, S Ledger, A Søjmark
The Annals of Applied Probability 29 (4), 2338-2373, 2019
How nanoscale protein interactions determine the mesoscale dynamic organisation of bacterial outer membrane proteins
M Chavent, AL Duncan, P Rassam, O Birkholz, J Hélie, T Reddy, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2846, 2018
Heat kernel estimates for symmetric random walks on a class of fractal graphs and stability under rough isometries
B Hambly, T Kumagai
Multilevel simulation of functionals of Bernoulli random variables with application to basket credit derivatives
K Bujok, BM Hambly, C Reisinger
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 17, 579-604, 2015
An SPDE model for systemic risk with endogenous contagion
B Hambly, A Søjmark
Finance and Stochastics 23 (3), 535-594, 2019
A dual approach to multiple exercise option problems under constraints
N Aleksandrov, BM Hambly
Mathematical methods of operations research 71, 503-533, 2010
Extending the Wong-Zakai theorem to reversible Markov processes
RF Bass, B Hambly, TJ Lyons
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 4 (3), 237-269, 2002
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Articles 1–20