Xiaoliang Wan
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Cited by
An adaptive multi-element generalized polynomial chaos method for stochastic differential equations
X Wan, GE Karniadakis
Journal of Computational Physics 209 (2), 617-642, 2005
Multi-element generalized polynomial chaos for arbitrary probability measures
X Wan, GE Karniadakis
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 28 (3), 901-928, 2006
The multi-element probabilistic collocation method (ME-PCM): Error analysis and applications
J Foo, X Wan, GE Karniadakis
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (22), 9572-9595, 2008
Long-term behavior of polynomial chaos in stochastic flow simulations
X Wan, GE Karniadakis
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 195 (41-43), 5582-5596, 2006
Beyond Wiener–Askey expansions: handling arbitrary pdfs
X Wan, GE Karniadakis
Journal of Scientific Computing 27, 455-464, 2006
DAS-PINNs: A deep adaptive sampling method for solving high-dimensional partial differential equations
K Tang, X Wan, C Yang
Journal of Computational Physics 476, 111868, 2023
Stochastic bifurcation analysis of Rayleigh–Bénard convection
D Venturi, X Wan, GE Karniadakis
Journal of fluid mechanics 650, 391-413, 2010
Stochastic solutions for the two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation
X Wan, D Xiu, GE Karniadakis
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 26 (2), 578-590, 2004
Stochastic low-dimensional modelling of a random laminar wake past a circular cylinder
D Venturi, X Wan, GEM Karniadakis
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 606, 339-367, 2008
Error control in multi-element generalized polynomial chaos method for elliptic problems with random coefficients
X Wan, GE Karniadakis
Communications in Computational Physics 5 (2-4), 793-820, 2009
Solving elliptic problems with non-Gaussian spatially-dependent random coefficients
X Wan, GE Karniadakis
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198 (21-26), 1985-1995, 2009
Adaptive deep density approximation for Fokker-Planck equations
K Tang, X Wan, Q Liao
Journal of Computational Physics 457, 111080, 2022
A stochastic modeling methodology based on weighted Wiener chaos and Malliavin calculus
X Wan, B Rozovskii, GE Karniadakis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (34), 14189-14194, 2009
Stochastic computational fluid mechanics
G Lin, X Wan, CH Su, GE Karniadakis
Computing in Science & Engineering 9 (2), 21-29, 2007
Horizontal dispersion of buoyant materials in the ocean surface boundary layer
JH Liang, X Wan, KA Rose, PP Sullivan, JC McWilliams
Journal of Physical Oceanography 48 (9), 2103-2125, 2018
Stochastic heat transfer enhancement in a grooved channel
X Wan, GE Karniadakis
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 565, 255-278, 2006
Effect of Uncertainty in Blowing Ratio on Film Cooling Effectiveness
H Babaee, X Wan, S Acharya
Journal of Heat Transfer 136 (3), 031701, 2014
Effect of Uncertainty in Blowing Ratio on Film Cooling Effectiveness
H Babaee, X Wan, S Acharya
Journal of Heat Transfer 136 (3), 031701, 2014
A sharp error estimate for the fast Gauss transform
X Wan, GE Karniadakis
Journal of computational physics 219 (1), 7-12, 2006
Deep density estimation via invertible block-triangular mapping
K Tang, X Wan, Q Liao
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 10 (3), 143-148, 2020
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