Mike Hibler
Mike Hibler
Research Staff, University of Utah
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Cited by
An integrated experimental environment for distributed systems and networks
B White, J Lepreau, L Stoller, R Ricci, S Guruprasad, M Newbold, ...
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 36 (SI), 255-270, 2002
The design and operation of {CloudLab}
D Duplyakin, R Ricci, A Maricq, G Wong, J Duerig, E Eide, L Stoller, ...
2019 USENIX annual technical conference (USENIX ATC 19), 1-14, 2019
The Flask security architecture: System support for diverse security policies
R Spencer, S Smalley, P Loscocco, M Hibler, D Andersen, J Lepreau
8th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 99), 1999
Large-scale virtualization in the emulab network testbed
M Hibler, R Ricci, L Stoller, J Duerig, S Guruprasad, T Stack, K Webb, ...
2008 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 08), 2008
Microkernels meet recursive virtual machines
B Ford, M Hibler, J Lepreau, P Tullmann, G Back, S Clawson
OSDI 96 (16), 137-151, 1996
Janos: A Java-oriented OS for active network nodes
P Tullmann, M Hibler, J Lepreau
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 19 (3), 501-510, 2001
POWDER: Platform for open wireless data-driven experimental research
J Breen, A Buffmire, J Duerig, K Dutt, E Eide, M Hibler, D Johnson, ...
Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds …, 2020
Fast, Scalable Disk Imaging with Frisbee.
M Hibler, L Stoller, J Lepreau, R Ricci, C Barb
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track, 283-296, 2003
Interface and execution models in the Fluke kernel
B Ford, M Hibler, J Lepreau, R McGrath, P Tullmann
OSDI 99, 101-115, 1999
An OS interface for active routers
L Peterson, Y Gottlieb, M Hibler, P Tullmann, J Lepreau, S Schwab, ...
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 19 (3), 473-487, 2001
The Flexlab Approach to Realistic Evaluation of Networked Systems.
R Ricci, J Duerig, P Sanaga, D Gebhardt, M Hibler, K Atkinson, J Zhang, ...
NSDI 7, 201-214, 2007
In-Kernel Servers on Mach 3.0: Implementation and Performance.
J Lepreau, M Hibler, B Ford, J Law, DB Orr
USENIX MACH Symposium, 39-56, 1993
Transparent checkpoints of closed distributed systems in emulab
A Burtsev, P Radhakrishnan, M Hibler, J Lepreau
Proceedings of the 4th ACM European conference on Computer systems, 173-186, 2009
Implementing the Emulab-PlanetLab Portal: Experience and Lessons Learned.
K Webb, M Hibler, R Ricci, A Clements, J Lepreau
WORLDS, 2004
User-level checkpointing through exportable kernel state
P Tullmann, J Lepreau, B Ford, M Hibler
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Object-Orientation in …, 1996
Apt: A platform for repeatable research in computer science
R Ricci, G Wong, L Stoller, K Webb, J Duerig, K Downie, M Hibler
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 49 (1), 100-107, 2015
Automatic online validation of network configuration in the emulab network testbed
DS Anderson, M Hibler, L Stoller, T Stack, J Lepreau
2006 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing, 134-142, 2006
FLEX: A tool for building efficient and flexible systems
JB Carter, B Ford, M Hibler, R Kuramkote, J Law, J Lepreau, DB Orr, ...
Proceedings of IEEE 4th Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems. WWOS-III …, 1993
Feedback-directed virtualization techniques for scalable network experimentation
M Hibler, R Ricci, L Stoller, J Duerig, S Guruprasad, T Stack, K Webb, ...
University of Utah Flux Group Technical Note FTN-2004-02, School of …, 2004
The persistent relevance of the local operating system to global applications
J Lepreau, B Ford, M Hibler
Proceedings of the 7th workshop on ACM SIGOPS European workshop: Systems …, 1996
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Articles 1–20