Yang Zhang
Yang Zhang
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Cited by
Cutting force model and damage formation mechanism in milling of 70wt% Si/Al composite
Z Guolong, XIN Lianjia, LI Liang, Y Zhang, HE Ning, HN Hansen
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 36 (7), 114-128, 2023
Breaking the limit of micro‐ductility in oxide glasses
K Januchta, M Stepniewska, LR Jensen, Y Zhang, MAJ Somers, ...
Advanced Science 6 (18), 1901281, 2019
A Soft Tooling process chain employing Additive Manufacturing for injection molding of a 3D component with micro pillars
Y Zhang, DB Pedersen, AS Gøtje, M Mischkot, G Tosello
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 27, 138-144, 2017
Selective metallization of polymers using laser induced surface activation (LISA)—characterization and optimization of porous surface topography
Y Zhang, HN Hansen, A De Grave, PT Tang, JS Nielsen
THE InTERnATIOnAL JOuRnAL Of AdVAnCEd MAnufACTuRIng TECHnOLOgy 55, 573-580, 2011
Single-pulse femtosecond laser ablation of monocrystalline silicon: A modeling and experimental study
C Chen, F Zhang, Y Zhang, X Xiong, BF Ju, H Cui, YL Chen
Applied Surface Science 576, 151722, 2022
Three-axial cutting force measurement in micro/nano-cutting by utilizing a fast tool servo with a smart tool holder
YL Chen, F Chen, Z Li, Y Zhang, B Ju, H Lin
CIRP annals 70 (1), 33-36, 2021
An explanation of the selective plating of laser machined surfaces using surface tension components
Y Zhang, GM Kontogeorgis, HN Hansen
Journal of adhesion science and technology 25 (16), 2101-2111, 2011
Nanosecond laser-induced controllable oxidation of TiB2–TiC ceramic composites for subsequent micro milling
H Xia, G Zhao, Y Zhang, L Li, N He, HN Hansen
Ceramics International 48 (2), 2470-2481, 2022
Study of the distribution of rubber particles in ground tire rubber/polypropylene blends
A Basso, Y Zhang, L Linnemann, HN Hansen
Materials Today: Proceedings 34, 311-316, 2021
Automated vision-based inspection of mould and part quality in soft tooling injection moulding using imaging and deep learning
Y Zhang, S Shan, FD Frumosu, M Calaon, W Yang, Y Liu, HN Hansen
CIRP Annals 71 (1), 429-432, 2022
Replication of micro-pillars by PEEK injection moulding with CrN-coated Ni tool
Y Zhang, HN Hansen, S Sørensen
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 80, 383-388, 2015
Electroless plating on plastic induced by selective laser activation
Y Zhang, PT Tang, HN Hansen, JS Nielsen
Electroless Plating on Plastic Induced by Selective Laser Activation, 2009
A computational model for heterogeneous heating during pulsed laser irradiation of polymers doped with light-absorbing microparticles
D Marla, Y Zhang, M Jabbari, MR Sonne, J Spangenberg, JH Hattel
Applied Physics A 122, 1-9, 2016
Effect of mold compliance on dimensional variations of precision molded components in multi-cavity injection molding
R Mahshid, Y Zhang, HN Hansen, AH Slocum
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 67, 12-22, 2021
Modeling of nanosecond pulsed laser processing of polymers in air and water
D Marla, Y Zhang, JH Hattel, J Spangenberg
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 26 (5), 055005, 2018
A self-peeling vat for improved release capabilities during DLP materials processing
DB Pedersen, Y Zhang, JS Nielsen, HNØ Hansen
Laser induced selective activation for subsequent autocatalytic electroless plating
Y Zhang
DTU Mechanical Engineering, 2010
Online monitoring for error detection in vat photopolymerization
FD Frumosu, M Méndez Ribó, S Shan, Y Zhang, M Kulahci
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 36 (9), 1313-1330, 2023
Injection moulding pilot production: Performance assessment of tooling process chains based on tool inserts made from brass and a 3D printed photopolymer
M Mischkot, G Tosello, DKY Nielsen, DB Pedersen, Y Zhang, T Hofstätter, ...
annual technical conference (ANTEC2017) of the Society of Plastic Engineers …, 2017
Replication of microstructures on three-dimensional geometries by injection moulding of liquid silicone rubber
Y Zhang, M Mischkot, HN Hansen, PE Hansen
15th International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering …, 2015
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