Mark Lewis
Mark Lewis
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Cited by
The unconstrained binary quadratic programming problem: a survey
G Kochenberger, JK Hao, F Glover, M Lewis, Z Lü, H Wang, Y Wang
Journal of combinatorial optimization 28, 58-81, 2014
Quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problem preprocessing: Theory and empirical analysis
M Lewis, F Glover
Networks 70 (2), 79-97, 2017
A new modeling and solution approach for the set-partitioning problem
M Lewis, G Kochenberger, B Alidaee
Computers & Operations Research 35 (3), 807-813, 2008
Penalty and partitioning techniques to improve performance of QUBO solvers
A Verma, M Lewis
Discrete Optimization 44, 100594, 2022
A new approach for modeling and solving set packing problems
B Alidaee, G Kochenberger, K Lewis, M Lewis, H Wang
European Journal of Operational Research 186 (2), 504-512, 2008
The path restoration version of the spare capacity allocation problem with modularity restrictions: Models, algorithms, and an empirical analysis
JL Kennington, MW Lewis
INFORMS Journal on Computing 13 (3), 181-190, 2001
Using xQx to model and solve the uncapacitated task allocation problem
M Lewis, B Alidaee, G Kochenberger
Operations research letters 33 (2), 176-182, 2005
Logical and inequality implications for reducing the size and difficulty of quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problems
F Glover, M Lewis, G Kochenberger
European Journal of Operational Research 265 (3), 829-842, 2018
Optimal quadratic reformulations of fourth degree Pseudo-Boolean functions
A Verma, M Lewis
Optimization Letters 14, 1557-1569, 2020
A note on xQx as a modelling and solution framework for the Linear Ordering Problem
M Lewis, B Alidaee, F Glover, G Kochenberger
International Journal of Operational Research 5 (2), 152-162, 2009
Solving clique partitioning problems: A comparison of models and commercial solvers
Y Du, G Kochenberger, F Glover, H Wang, M Lewis, W Xie, T Tsuyuguchi
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 21 (01), 59-81, 2022
Qfold: a new modeling paradigm for the RNA folding problem
MW Lewis, A Verma, TT Eckdahl
Journal of Heuristics 27 (4), 695-717, 2021
Guided design search in the interval-bounded sailor assignment problem
MW Lewis, KR Lewis, BJ White
Computers & operations research 33 (6), 1664-1680, 2006
Exact solutions to the capacitated clustering problem: A comparison of two models
M Lewis, H Wang, G Kochenberger
Annals of Data Science 1, 15-23, 2014
Efficient qubo transformation for higher degree pseudo boolean functions
A Verma, M Lewis, G Kochenberger
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.11695, 2021
Exact solutions to generalized vertex covering problems: a comparison of two models
G Kochenberger, M Lewis, F Glover, H Wang
Optimization Letters 9, 1331-1339, 2015
Computationally attractive non-linear models for combinatorial optimisation
B Alidaee, GA Kochenberger, K Lewis, M Lewis, H Wang
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 1 (1-2), 9-19, 2009
Variable reduction for quadratic unconstrained binary optimization
A Verma, M Lewis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.07032, 2021
On the use of guided design search for discovering significant decision variables in the fixed‐charge capacitated multicommodity network design problem
MW Lewis
Networks: An International Journal 53 (1), 6-18, 2009
Models and algorithms for creating restoration paths in survivable mesh networks
JL Kennington, MW Lewis
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southern Methodist University, 1999
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Articles 1–20