Khaled M. Mohamed
Khaled M. Mohamed
Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University, Egypt & College of Pharmacy, Taif University, KSA
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Iridoid and megastigmane glycosides from Phlomis aurea
MS Kamel, KM Mohamed, HA Hassanean, K Ohtani, R Kasai, K Yamasaki
Phytochemistry 55 (4), 353-357, 2000
Iridoids from Kigelia pinnata DC. fruits
YG Gouda, AM Abdel-baky, FM Darwish, KM Mohamed, R Kasai, ...
Phytochemistry 63 (8), 887-892, 2003
Induction of biologically active flavonoids in cell cultures of Morus nigra and testing their hypoglycemic efficacy
AMA Abd El-Mawla, KM Mohamed, AM Mostafa
Scientia Pharmaceutica 79 (4), 951, 2011
Phenylpropanoid and phenylethanoid derivatives from Kigelia pinnata DC. fruits
YG Gouda, AM Abdel-Baky, KM Mohamed, FM Darwish, R Kasai, ...
Natural Product Research 20 (10), 935-939, 2006
Acylated flavonoid glycosides from Bassia muricata
MS Kamel, KM Mohamed, HA Hassanean, K Ohtani, R Kasai, K Yamasaki
Phytochemistry 57 (8), 1259-1262, 2001
Oleanene glycosides from seeds of Trifolium alexandrinum
KM Mohamed, K Ohtani, R Kasai, K Yamasaki
Phytochemistry 40 (4), 1237-1242, 1995
Megastigmane glycosides from seeds of Trifoliumalexandrinum
KM Mohamed, MH Mohamed, K Ohtani, R Kasai, K Yamasaki
Phytochemistry 50 (5), 859-862, 1999
Phenylpropanoid glucosides from Chrozophora obliqua
KM Mohamed
Phytochemistry 58 (4), 615-618, 2001
Use of herbal medicines in the treatment of obesity in Taif, Saudi Arabia
AS Eldalo, MN Alotaibi, TO Alenazi, HA Albogami, KM Mohamed
Saudi journal of medicine & medical sciences 5 (2), 149-154, 2017
Effects of fenugreek, Nigella, and termis seeds in nonalcoholic fatty liver in obese diabetic albino rats
WS Mohamed, AM Mostafa, KM Mohamed, AH Serwah
Arab Journal of Gastroenterology 16 (1), 1-9, 2015
Chalcanol glucosides from seeds of Trifolium alexandrinum
KM Mohamed, HA Hassanean, K Ohtani, R Kasai, K Yamasaki
Phytochemistry 53 (3), 401-404, 2000
Dolabellane diterpene glucosides from Chrozophora obliqua.
KM Mohamed, K Ohtani, R Kasai, K Yamasaki
Isolation and characterization of novel acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from Ficus benghalensis L. leaves
HA Hassan, AE Allam, DH Abu-Baih, MFA Mohamed, UR Abdelmohsen, ...
RSC advances 10 (60), 36920-36929, 2020
Cesdiurins I–III, steroidal saponins from Cestrum diurnum L.
MA Fouad, KM Mohamed, MS Kamel, K Matsunami, H Otsuka
Journal of natural medicines 62, 168-173, 2008
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl dolabellane diterpenes from Chrozophora obliqua
KM Mohamed, K Ohtani, R Kasai, K Yamasaki
Phytochemistry 39 (1), 151-161, 1995
Chemical constituents of Gladiolus segetum Ker-gawl
KM Mohamed
Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences Assiut University 28 (1), 71-78, 2005
Field-amplified sample stacking β-cyclodextrin modified capillary electrophoresis for quantitative determination of diastereomeric saponins
S Emara, T Masujima, W Zarad, K Mohamed, M Kamal, M Fouad, ...
Journal of chromatographic science 52 (10), 1308-1316, 2014
Cymbopogon proximus Extract Decreases L-NAME-Induced Hypertension in Rats
KMMHAO Ahmed O. H. El-Nezhawy, Ibrahim A. Maghrabi
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research 27 (1 …, 2014
Cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities of some compositae plants growing in Taif area, Saudi Arabia
YG Gouda, QMA Abdallah, MF Elbadawy, AA Basha, AK Alorabi, ...
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention 3 (5), 43-48, 2014
Matsutake alcohol glycosides from Sanchezia nobilis
AEA Ellah, KM Mohamed, EY Backheet, MH Mohamed
Chemistry of Natural Compounds 48, 930-933, 2013
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Articles 1–20