Farshad Ebrahimi
Farshad Ebrahimi
Philadelphia Water Department
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Cited by
Cited by
Rapid degradation of PFAS in aqueous solutions by reverse vortex flow gliding arc plasma
AJ Lewis, T Joyce, M Hadaya, F Ebrahimi, I Dragiev, N Giardetti, J Yang, ...
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 6 (4), 1044-1057, 2020
Linking PFAS partitioning behavior in sewage solids to the solid characteristics, solution chemistry, and treatment processes
F Ebrahimi, AJ Lewis, CM Sales, R Suri, ER McKenzie
Chemosphere 271, 129530, 2021
Influence of microbial weathering on the partitioning of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in biosolids
AJ Lewis, F Ebrahimi, ER McKenzie, R Suri, CM Sales
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 25 (3), 415-431, 2023
Electric Field Potentially Enhances the Defluorination of 6: 2 Fluorotelomer Alcohol (6: 2 Ftoh) in Soil Through Increasing the Relative Abundance of Dechloromonas
TA Brandon, F Ebrahimi, S Xu, H Lu, ER McKenzie, D Jiang
Available at SSRN 4150590, 0
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Articles 1–4