Karalekas Dimitris
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Cited by
Fiber Bragg grating based investigation of residual strains in ABS parts fabricated by fused deposition modeling process
A Kantaros, D Karalekas
Materials & Design 50, 44-50, 2013
In-situ monitoring of strain and temperature distributions during fused deposition modeling process
C Kousiatza, D Karalekas
Materials & Design 97, 400-406, 2016
Study of shrinkage strains in a stereolithography cured acrylic photopolymer resin
D Karalekas, A Aggelopoulos
Journal of materials processing technology 136 (1-3), 146-150, 2003
On the design and fabrication by two-photon polymerization of a readily assembled micro-valve
C Schizas, V Melissinaki, A Gaidukeviciute, C Reinhardt, C Ohrt, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 48, 435-441, 2010
Composite rapid prototyping: overcoming the drawback of poor mechanical properties
D Karalekas, K Antoniou
Journal of materials processing technology 153, 526-530, 2004
Monitoring of process induced strains in a single fibre composite using FBG sensor: A methodological study
D Karalekas, J Cugnoni, J Botsis
Composites part A: applied science and manufacturing 39 (7), 1118-1127, 2008
In-situ characterization of 3D printed continuous fiber reinforced composites: A methodological study using fiber Bragg grating sensors
C Kousiatza, D Tzetzis, D Karalekas
Composites Science and Technology 174, 134-141, 2019
3D printing-assisted design of scaffold structures
A Kantaros, N Chatzidai, D Karalekas
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 82, 559-571, 2016
Study of the mechanical properties of nonwoven fibre mat reinforced photopolymers used in rapid prototyping
DE Karalekas
Materials & design 24 (8), 665-670, 2003
Temperature mapping of 3D printed polymer plates: experimental and numerical study
C Kousiatza, N Chatzidai, D Karalekas
Sensors 17 (3), 456, 2017
Architected materials for additive manufacturing: A comprehensive review
N Kladovasilakis, K Tsongas, D Karalekas, D Tzetzis
Materials 15 (17), 5919, 2022
Monitoring of hygrothermal ageing effects in an epoxy resin using FBG sensor: A methodological study
D Karalekas, J Cugnoni, J Botsis
Composites science and technology 69 (3-4), 507-514, 2009
Mechanical characteristics of an Ormocomp® biocompatible hybrid photopolymer
C Schizas, D Karalekas
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 4 (1), 99-106, 2011
Determination of Chemical Cure Shrinkage in Composite Laminates
JG I. Daniel, T. Wang, D. Karalekas
Journal of Composites Technology and Research 12 (3), 172-176, 1990
A methodological study for optimizing material selection in sustainable product design
T Tambouratzis, D Karalekas, N Moustakas
Journal of Industrial Ecology 18 (4), 508-516, 2014
Investigation of shrinkage-induced stresses in stereolithography photo-curable resins
D Karalekas, D Rapti, EE Gdoutos, A Aggelopoulos
Experimental mechanics 42, 439-444, 2002
Architectural scale modelling using stereolithography
J Giannatsis, V Dedoussis, D Karalekas
Rapid Prototyping Journal 8 (3), 200-207, 2002
On the effects of the lateral strains on the fiber Bragg grating response
M Lai, D Karalekas, J Botsis
Sensors 13 (2), 2631-2644, 2013
On the use of stereolithography built photoelastic models for stress analysis investigations
DE Karalekas, A Agelopoulos
Materials & design 27 (2), 100-106, 2006
Investigation of the processing dependence of SL solidification residual stresses
D Karalekas, D Rapti
Rapid prototyping journal 8 (4), 243-247, 2002
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Articles 1–20