John Murphy
John Murphy
School of Computer Science, University College Dublin
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Responsive pricing in the Internet
JK MacKie-Mason, L Murphy, J Murphy
Internet Economics, 279-303, 1997
A communications-oriented perspective on traffic management systems for smart cities: challenges and innovative approaches
S Djahel, R Doolan, GM Muntean, J Murphy
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17 (1), 125-151, 2015
IEEE 802.16 J relay-based wireless access networks: an overview
V Genc, S Murphy, Y Yu, J Murphy
IEEE wireless communications 15 (5), 56-63, 2008
A woa-based optimization approach for task scheduling in cloud computing systems
X Chen, L Cheng, C Liu, Q Liu, J Liu, Y Mao, J Murphy
IEEE Systems Journal 14 (3), 3117-3128, 2020
Utility-based intelligent network selection in beyond 3G systems
O Ormond, J Murphy, GM Muntean
2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications 4, 1831-1836, 2006
Detecting Performance Antipatterns in Component Based Enterprise Systems
J Parsons, T. and Murphy
Journal of Object Technology 7 (3), 55-90, 2008
A comparative study of vehicles' routing algorithms for route planning in smart cities
VTN Nha, S Djahel, J Murphy
2012 First International Workshop on Vehicular Traffic Management for Smart …, 2012
Distributed pricing for embedded ATM networks
J Murphy, L Murphy, EC Posner
Proc. International Teletraffic Congress ITC-14, Antibes, France, 1053-1063, 1994
Bandwidth allocation by pricing in ATM networks
J Murphy, L Murphy
Proc. of IFIP Broadband Communications 94, 1994
Network selection decision in wireless heterogeneous networks
O Ormond, P Perry, J Murphy
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2005. PIMRC 2005. IEEE …, 2005
Toward V2I communication technology-based solution for reducing road traffic congestion in smart cities
S Djahel, N Jabeur, R Barrett, J Murphy
2015 International Symposium on Networks, computers and communications …, 2015
Novel 5G Authentication Protocol to Improve the Resistance Against Active Attacks and Malicious Serving Networks
JM An Braeken, Madhusanka Liyanage, Pardeep Kumar
IEEE Access 7, 64040-64052, 2019
Automatic performance management in component based software systems
A Diaconescu, A Mos, J Murphy
Autonomic Computing, 2004. Proceedings. International Conference on, 214-221, 2004
Reducing emergency services response time in smart cities: An advanced adaptive and fuzzy approach
S Djahel, N Smith, S Wang, J Murphy
2015 IEEE First International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 1-8, 2015
Performance analysis of transparent relays in 802.16 j MMR networks
V Genc, S Murphy, J Murphy
2008 6th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad …, 2008
Patterns of memory inefficiency
AE Chis, N Mitchell, E Schonberg, G Sevitsky, P O’Sullivan, T Parsons, ...
ECOOP 2011–Object-Oriented Programming: 25th European Conference, Lancaster …, 2011
Smart adaptation of beacons transmission rate and power for enhanced vehicular awareness in VANETs
S Zemouri, S Djahel, J Murphy
17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2014
Delay-centric handover in SCTP over WLAN
A Kelly, GM Muntean, P Perry, J Murphy
Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science 49 (63), 1-6, 2004
Network-Aware Locality Scheduling for Distributed Data Operators in Data Centers
L Cheng, Y Wang, Q Liu, DHJ Epema, C Liu, Y Mao, J Murphy
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 32 (6), 1494-1510, 2021
Bandwidth allocation for service level agreement aware Ethernet passive optical networks
D Nowak, P Perry, J Murphy
Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM'04. IEEE 3, 1953-1957 …, 2004
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Articles 1–20