Bart Joosten
Bart Joosten
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Cited by
Using non-verbal cues to (automatically) assess children’s performance difficulties with arithmetic problems
M Van Amelsvoort, B Joosten, E Krahmer, E Postma
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (3), 654-664, 2013
Voice activity detection based on facial movement
B Joosten, E Postma, E Krahmer
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 9, 183-193, 2015
Automatic analysis of online image data for law enforcement agencies by concept detection and instance search
MHT de Boer, H Bouma, MC Kruithof, FB ter Haar, NM Fischer, ...
Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting, Forensics, and Surveillance Technologies …, 2017
Representing affective facial expressions for robots and embodied conversational agents by facial landmarks
C Liu, J Ham, E Postma, C Midden, B Joosten, M Goudbeek
International Journal of Social Robotics 5, 619-626, 2013
Visual voice activity detection at different speeds
B Joosten, E Postma, E Krahmer
Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP) 2013, 2013
Facial Expression Recognition
B Joosten
Towards digital support for behavioral scientists, 2011
Rapid annotation tool to train novel concept detectors with active learning
MHT de Boer, H Bouma, M Kruithof, B Joosten
MMEDIA 2019: international conference on advances in multimedia, 36-41, 2019
Automated measurement of spontaneous surprise
B Joosten, E Postma, E Krahmer, M Swerts, J Kim
Spink AJ. Proceedings of Measuring Behavior, Utrecht, 385-389, 2012
Flexible image analysis for law enforcement agencies with deep neural networks to determine: where, who and what
H Bouma, B Joosten, M Kruithof, M de Boer, A Ginsca, B Labbe, ...
Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting, Forensics, and Surveillance Technologies …, 2018
Detecting Social Signals with Spatiotemporal Gabor Filters
B Joosten
How to make a robot smile? Perception of emotional expressions from digitally-extracted facial landmark configurations
C Liu, J Ham, E Postma, C Midden, B Joosten, M Goudbeek
Social Robotics: 4th International Conference, ICSR 2012, Chengdu, China …, 2012
Thin slices of head movements during problem solving reveal level of difficulty.
B Joosten, M van Amelsvoort, E Krahmer, EO Postma
AVSP, 87-92, 2011
Adaptive Virtual Tow Bar, research results 2016
DMC Willemsen, TF Hueting, B Joosten, J Uittenbogaard, MH Martens
TNO, 2017
The Influence of Personality on Sharing and Verifying News on Facebook
D Van Den Broek, B Joosten
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Articles 1–14