Petr Karnakov
Petr Karnakov
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Cited by
A versatile and membrane-less electrochemical reactor for the electrolysis of water and brine
SMH Hashemi, P Karnakov, P Hadikhani, E Chinello, S Litvinov, C Moser, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 12 (5), 1592-1604, 2019
Simulating fully 3D non-planar evolution of hydraulic fractures
S Cherny, V Lapin, D Esipov, D Kuranakov, A Avdyushenko, A Lyutov, ...
International Journal of Fracture 201 (2), 181-211, 2016
A hybrid particle volume-of-fluid method for curvature estimation in multiphase flows
P Karnakov, S Litvinov, P Koumoutsakos
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 125, 103209, 2020
Computational study of the collapse of a cloud with gas bubbles in a liquid
U Rasthofer, F Wermelinger, P Karnakov, J Šukys, P Koumoutsakos
Physical Review Fluids 4 (6), 063602, 2019
Data-driven inference of the reproduction number for COVID-19 before and after interventions for 51 European countries
P Karnakov, G Arampatzis, I Kičić, F Wermelinger, D Wälchli, ...
Swiss medical weekly 150, w20313, 2020
Korali: Efficient and scalable software framework for Bayesian uncertainty quantification and stochastic optimization
SM Martin, D Wälchli, G Arampatzis, AE Economides, P Karnakov, ...
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 389, 114264, 2022
Optimizing a DIscrete Loss (ODIL) to solve forward and inverse problems for partial differential equations using machine learning tools
P Karnakov, S Litvinov, P Koumoutsakos
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.04611, 2022
Computing foaming flows across scales: From breaking waves to microfluidics
P Karnakov, S Litvinov, P Koumoutsakos
Science Advances 8 (5), eabm0590, 2022
Optimal allocation of limited test resources for the quantification of COVID-19 infections
M Chatzimanolakis, P Weber, G Arampatzis, D Wälchli, I Kičić, ...
Swiss Medical Weekly 150, w20445, 2020
Solving inverse problems in physics by optimizing a discrete loss: Fast and accurate learning without neural networks
P Karnakov, S Litvinov, P Koumoutsakos
PNAS nexus 3 (1), pgae005, 2024
Bubbles in turbulent flows: Data-driven, kinematic models with history terms
ZY Wan, P Karnakov, P Koumoutsakos, TP Sapsis
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 129, 103286, 2020
Aphros: High performance software for multiphase flows with large scale bubble and drop clusters
P Karnakov, F Wermelinger, S Litvinov, P Koumoutsakos
Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference, 1-10, 2020
Модель гидроразрыва пласта, включающая механизм закупоривания трещины пропантом
ПВ Карнаков, ВН Лапин, СГ Чёрный
Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Серия: Информационные …, 2014
Flow reconstruction by multiresolution optimization of a discrete loss with automatic differentiation
P Karnakov, S Litvinov, P Koumoutsakos
The European Physical Journal E 46 (7), 59, 2023
A High Performance Computing Framework for Multiphase, Turbulent Flows on Structured Grids
P Karnakov, F Wermelinger, M Chatzimanolakis, S Litvinov, ...
Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference, 17, 2019
Individualizing glioma radiotherapy planning by optimization of a data and physics informed discrete loss
M Balcerak, I Ezhov, P Karnakov, S Litvinov, P Koumoutsakos, J Weidner, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.05063, 2023
Breaking waves: To foam or not to foam?
P Karnakov, S Litvinov, JM Favre, P Koumoutsakos
Physical Review Fluids 5 (11), 110503, 2020
Peculiarities of the hydraulic fracture propagation caused by pumping of proppant-fluid slurry
PV Karnakov, DS Kuranakov, VN Lapin, SG Cherny, DV Esipov
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics 25, 587-603, 2018
Physics-regularized multi-modal image assimilation for brain tumor localization
M Balcerak, T Amiranashvili, A Wagner, J Weidner, P Karnakov, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.20409, 2024
Shape inference in three-dimensional steady state supersonic flows using ODIL and JAX-Fluids
AB Buhendwa, DA Bezgin, P Karnakov, NA Adams, P Koumoutsakos
arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.10094, 2024
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Articles 1–20