Mohamed Ben Farah
Mohamed Ben Farah
Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security, Birmingham City University
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Cited by
Cited by
A novel chaos-based image encryption using DNA sequence operation and Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-2
R Guesmi, MAB Farah, A Kachouri, M Samet
Nonlinear Dynamics 83, 1123-1136, 2016
An image encryption scheme based on a new hybrid chaotic map and optimized substitution box
MAB Farah, A Farah, T Farah
Nonlinear Dynamics 99 (4), 3041–3064, 2019
A novel chaos based optical image encryption using fractional Fourier transform and DNA sequence operation
MAB Farah, R Guesmi, A Kachouri, M Samet
Optics & Laser Technology 121, 105777, 2020
Cyber-security challenges in aviation industry: A review of current and future trends
E Ukwandu, MA Ben-Farah, H Hindy, M Bures, R Atkinson, C Tachtatzis, ...
Information 13 (3), 146, 2022
A Review of Cyber-Ranges and Test-Beds: Current and Future Trends
E Ukwandu, MAB Farah, H Hindy, D Brosset, D Kavallieros, R Atkinson, ...
Sensors 20 (24), 7148, 2020
Hash key-based image encryption using crossover operator and chaos
R Guesmi, MA Ben Farah, A Kachouri, M Samet
Multimedia tools and applications 75, 4753-4769, 2016
A new efficient medical image cipher based on hybrid chaotic map and DNA code
R Guesmi, MAB Farah
Multimedia tools and applications 80, 1925-1944, 2021
Cyber security in the maritime industry: A systematic survey of recent advances and future trends
MA Ben Farah, E Ukwandu, H Hindy, D Brosset, M Bures, I Andonovic, ...
Information 13 (1), 22, 2022
A new design of cryptosystem based on S-box and chaotic permutation
MAB Farah, R Guesmi, A Kachouri, M Samet
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 19129-19150, 2020
A novel design of Chaos based S-Boxes using genetic algorithm techniques
R Guesmi, MAB Farah, A Kachouri, M Samet
2014 IEEE/ACS 11th International Conference on Computer Systems and …, 2014
Design of secure digital communication systems using DCSK chaotic modulation
MAB Farah, A Kachouri, M Samet
International Conference on Design and Test of Integrated Systems in …, 2006
A survey on blockchain technology in the maritime industry: challenges and future perspectives
MB Farah, Y Ahmed, H Mahmoud, SA Shah, MO Al-Kadri, S Taramonli, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2024
Chaos-based designing of a highly nonlinear S-box using Boolean functions
R Guesmi, MAB Farah, A Kachouri, M Samet
2015 IEEE 12th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices …, 2015
MED-BS clustering algorithm for the small-scale wireless sensor networks
ABF Guiloufi, N Nasri, MAB Farah, A Kachouri
Scientific Research Publishing, 2013
Improvement of cryptosystem based on iterating chaotic map
MAB Farah, A Kachouri, M Samet
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 16 (6), 2543-2553, 2011
Cyber security certification programmes
EC Davri, E Darra, I Monogioudis, A Grigoriadis, C Iliou, N Mengidis, ...
2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR …, 2021
Deep Learning-Based Watermarking Techniques Challenges: A Review of Current and Future Trends
S Ben Jabra, M Ben Farah
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 1-30, 2024
Analyse De Sécurité d’une Nouvelle Méthode De Cryptage Chaotique
N Rebhi, MAB Farah, A KACHOURI, M Samet
4th International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of …, 2007
Cyber Incident Scenarios in the Maritime Industry: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies
MB Farah, MO Al-Kadri, Y Ahmed, R Abouzariba, X Bellekens
2023 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR …, 2023
A comparative study and state-of-the-art evaluation for pedestrian detection
S Baabou, AB Fradj, MA Farah, AG Abubakr, F Bremond, A Kachouri
2019 19th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic …, 2019
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Articles 1–20