Ivo Anastácio
Ivo Anastácio
INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
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Using machine learning methods for disambiguating place references in textual documents
J Santos, I Anastácio, B Martins
GeoJournal 80, 375-392, 2015
A machine learning approach for resolving place references in text
B Martins, I Anastácio, P Calado
Geospatial thinking, 221-236, 2010
Supervised Learning for Linking Named Entities to Knowledge Base Entries
I Anastácio, B Martins, P Calado
TAC 2011, 2011
Classifying documents according to locational relevance
I Anastácio, B Martins, P Calado
Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 598-609, 2009
A comparison of different approaches for assigning geographic scopes to documents
I Anastácio, B Martins, P Calado
Proceedings of the 1st INForum-Simpósio de Informática, 285-296, 2009
A language modeling approach for georeferencing textual documents
D Dias, I Anastácio, B Martins
Proceedings of the Spanish Conference in Information Retrieval, 2012
Learning to resolve geographical and temporal references in text
V Loureiro, I Anastácio, B Martins
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2011
Using the geographic scopes of web documents for contextual advertising
I Anastácio, B Martins, P Calado
proceedings of the 6th workshop on geographic information retrieval, 1-8, 2010
Named entity disambiguation over texts written in the portuguese or spanish languages
JTL Santos, IM Anastacio, BE Martins
IEEE Latin America Transactions 13 (3), 856-862, 2015
Geocodificaçao de documentos textuais com classificadores hierárquicos baseados em modelos de linguagem
D Dias, I Anastácio, B Martins
Linguamática 4 (2), 13-25, 2012
A framework for robust address assignment in WSNs whispering to avoid intruders
C Ribeiro, I Anastácio, A Costa, M Baptista
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 9 (9), 693519, 2013
WSN Self-Address Collision Detection and Solving
C Ribeiro, I Anastácio, A Costa, M Baptista
2009 Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications …, 2009
Research Article A Framework for Robust Address Assignment in WSNs Whispering to Avoid Intruders
C Ribeiro, I Anastácio, A Costa, M Baptista
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Articles 1–13