Rick Kazman
Rick Kazman
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Software architecture in practice
L Bass, P Clements, R Kazman
Addison-Wesley, 2012
Evaluating software architectures
P Clements, R Kazman, M Klein
Addison-Wesley, 2003
ATAM: Method for architecture evaluation
R Kazman, M Klein, P Clements
Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute, 2000
The architecture tradeoff analysis method
R Kazman, M Klein, M Barbacci, T Longstaff, H Lipson, J Carriere
Proceedings. fourth ieee international conference on engineering of complex …, 1998
SAAM: A method for analyzing the properties of software architectures
R Kazman, L Bass, G Abowd, M Webb
Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, 81-90, 1994
Scenario-based analysis of software architecture
R Kazman, G Abowd, L Bass, P Clements
IEEE software 13 (6), 47-55, 1996
Ultra-large-scale systems: The software challenge of the future
L Northrop, P Feiler, RP Gabriel, J Goodenough, R Linger, T Longstaff, ...
Carnegie Mellon University, 2006
Managing technical debt in software-reliant systems
N Brown, Y Cai, Y Guo, R Kazman, M Kim, P Kruchten, E Lim, ...
Proceedings of the FSE/SDP workshop on Future of software engineering …, 2010
Attribute-based architecture styles
MH Klein, R Kazman, L Bass, J Carriere, M Barbacci, H Lipson
Software Architecture: TC2 First Working IFIP Conference on Software …, 1999
Playing detective: Reconstructing software architecture from available evidence
R Kazman, SJ Carriere
Automated Software Engineering 6, 107-138, 1999
WebQuery: Searching and visualizing the Web through connectivity
SJ Carriere, R Kazman
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 29 (8-13), 1257-1267, 1997
Quantifying the costs and benefits of architectural decisions
R Kazman, J Asundi, M Klein
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2001
Experience with performing architecture tradeoff analysis
R Kazman, M Barbacci, M Klein, SJ Carriere, SG Woods
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Software engineering, 54-63, 1999
Requirements for integrating software architecture and reengineering models: CORUM II
R Kazman, SG Woods, SJ Carrière
Proceedings fifth working conference on reverse engineering (Cat. No …, 1998
Recommended best industrial practice for software architecture evaluation
G Abowd, L Bass, P Clements, R Kazman, L Northrop, A Zaremski
Technical Reoprt CMU/SEI-96-TR 25, 1997
The metropolis model a new logic for development of crowdsourced systems
R Kazman, HM Chen
Communications of the ACM 52 (7), 76-84, 2009
Interacting with huge hierarchies: Beyond cone trees
J Carriere, R Kazman
Proceedings of Visualization 1995 Conference, 74-81, 1995
Decision-making techniques for software architecture design: A comparative survey
D Falessi, G Cantone, R Kazman, P Kruchten
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 43 (4), 1-28, 2011
A case study in locating the architectural roots of technical debt
R Kazman, Y Cai, R Mo, Q Feng, L Xiao, S Haziyev, V Fedak, ...
2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE international conference on software engineering 2 …, 2015
Designing software architectures: a practical approach
H Cervantes, R Kazman
Addison-Wesley Professional, 2024
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Articles 1–20