Nicola Carboni
Cited by
Cited by
Cultural heritage data management: the role of formal ontology and CIDOC CRM
G Bruseker, N Carboni, A Guillem
Heritage and archaeology in the digital age: acquisition, curation, and …, 2017
Towards a conceptual foundation for documenting tangible and intangible elements of a cultural object
N Carboni, L De Luca
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 3 (4), 108-116, 2016
An ontological approach to the description of visual and iconographical representations
N Carboni, L De Luca
Heritage 2 (2), 1191-1210, 2019
Digital 3D objects in art and humanities: Challenges of creation, interoperability and preservation
P Alliez, L Bergerot, JF Bernard, C Boust, G Bruseker, N Carboni, ...
White paper: A result of the PARTHENOS Workshop held in Bordeaux at Maison …, 2017
Semantically documenting virtual reconstruction: building a path to knowledge provenance
G Bruseker, A Guillem, N Carboni
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2015
Data provenance in photogrammetry through documentation protocols
N Carboni, G Bruseker, A Guillem, DB Castañeda, C Coughenour, ...
XXIII ISPRS Congress, 2016
Towards a semantic documentation of heritage objects through visual and iconographical representations
N Carboni, L de Luca
International Information & Library Review 49 (3), 207-217, 2017
Digital 3D Objects in Art and Humanities: challenges of creation, interoperability and preservation. White paper: A result of the PARTHENOS Workshop held in Bordeaux at Maison …
P Alliez, L Bergerot, JF Bernard, C Boust, G Bruseker, N Carboni, ...
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Inria …, 2017
Conceptualization and semantic description in digitized tangible/intangible Cultural Heritage Content
N Carboni
National Technical University of Athens, 2020
Plotting the Geopolitics of Twentieth-Century Modern and Avant-Garde Illustrated Periodicals
B Joyeux-Prunel, N Carboni, M Barras
Journal of European Periodical Studies 9 (1), 2024
Un œil mondial? La mondialisation par l’image au prisme du numérique: le cas du projet Visual Contagions
B Joyeux-Prunel, N Carboni, A Jeanrenaud, C Viaccoz, C Belina, ...
Sociétés & Représentations 75 (1), 203-226, 2023
Vers la formalisation d’un modèle ontologique pour la description des églises rupestres peintes d’Éthiopie
S Mirabaud, A Stoleru, C Bosc-Tiessé, N Carboni, F Guéna
Histoire de l'art, 2021
Greater Aura? The 19th and 20th Century Circulation of Art Reproductions in the Press through a Digital and Historical Perspective
B Joyeux-Prunel, M Barras, N Carboni
Život umjetnosti: časopis o modernoj i suvremenoj umjetnosti i arhitekturi …, 2024
Style Revisited
B Joyeux-Prunel, C Dossin, N Carboni
Artl@ s Bulletin 13 (2), 1, 2024
Ontological Patterns for Modeling the Validity of Spatiotemporal Statements
N Carboni
SWODCH’24: International Workshop on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for …, 2024
Intégrer des données historiques spatio-temporelles
N Carboni, T Usel, B Joyeux-Prunel
Humanistica 2023, 2023
Pister des circulations visuelles à l'échelle mondiale
N Carboni, M Barras, B Joyeux-Prunel
Humanistica 2023, 2023
Mediatization of the Early Automobile: A Visual Analysis of the Illustrated Press in the late 19th and Early 20th century
N Carboni
Artl@ s Bulletin 12 (1), 10, 2023
Une Europe par les arts? Les périodiques illustrés au-delà du Musée imaginaire
B Joyeux-Prunel, M Barras, N Carboni
Artl@ s Bulletin 12 (1), 12, 2023
Data Sustainability II: Sustainability and Dissemination in Early Modern Intertextual and Digital Visual Culture Studies, A Roundtable
N Carboni, G Cirnigliaro, A Federici, TD Hänsli, A Farina, B Tramelli, ...
RSA Virtual 2022, 2022
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Articles 1–20