Steven T Manson
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Cited by
Relative intensities in photoelectron spectroscopy of atoms and molecules
RF Reilman, A Msezane, ST Manson
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 8 (5), 389-394, 1976
Photoionization of the noble gases: cross sections and angular distributions
DJ Kennedy, ST Manson
Physical Review A 5 (1), 227, 1972
Photoabsorption cross sections for positive atomic ions with Z equal to or less than 30
RF Reilman, ST Manson
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, vol. 40, Aug. 1979, p. 815-880 …, 1979
Photo-Ionization in the Soft x-Ray Range: Z Dependence in a Central-Potential Model
ST Manson, JW Cooper
Phys. Rev. 165, 126-138, 1968
Structure and photoionization of confined atoms
VK Dolmatov, AS Baltenkov, JP Connerade, ST Manson
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 70 (1-3), 417-433, 2004
Photoelectron angular distributions: energy dependence for s subshells
ST Manson, AF Starace
Reviews of Modern Physics 54 (2), 389-406, 1982
Energy and angular distribution of electrons ejected from helium by fast protons and electrons: Theory and experiment
ST Manson, LH Toburen, DH Madison, N Stolterfoht
Physical Review A 12 (1), 60-79, 1975
Photo-ionization in the soft X-ray range: angular distributions of photoelectrons and interpretation in terms of subshell structure
JW Cooper, ST Manson
Physical Review 177 (1), 157-163, 1969
Electron structure of endohedrally confined atoms: atomic hydrogen in an attractive shell
JP Connerade, VK Dolmatov, PA Lakshmi, ST Manson
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 32 (10), L239, 1999
Inelastic collisions of fast charged particles with atoms: ionization of the Aluminum L shell
ST Manson
Physical Review A 6 (3), 1013-1024, 1972
Ratio of cross sections for double to single ionization of He by 85–400 eV photons
R Dörner, T Vogt, V Mergel, H Khemliche, S Kravis, CL Cocke, J Ullrich, ...
Physical Review Letters 76 (15), 2654-2657, 1996
On the nature and origin of confinement resonances
JP Connerade, VK Dolmatov, ST Manson
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 33 (12), 2279, 2000
Dependence of the phase shift on energy and atomic number for electron scattering by atomic fields
ST Manson
Physical Review 182 (1), 97, 1969
Beyond the dipole approximation: angular-distribution effects in valence photoemission
O Hemmers, G Fisher, P Glans, DL Hansen, H Wang, SB Whitfield, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 30 (21), L727, 1997
X-ray emission rates in the Hartree-Slater approximation
ST Manson, DJ Kennedy
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 14, 111, 1974
Breakdown of the independent particle approximation in high-energy photoionization
EWB Dias, HS Chakraborty, PC Deshmukh, ST Manson, O Hemmers, ...
Physical review letters 78 (24), 4553, 1997
Photoionization of chalcogen and halogen atoms: Cross sections and angular distributions
ST Manson, A Msezane, AF Starace, S Shahabi
Physical Review A 20 (3), 1005, 1979
Photoionization of C60: a model study
ME Madjet, HS Chakraborty, JM Rost, ST Manson
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 41 (10), 105101, 2008
A unique situation for an endohedral metallofullerene
JP Connerade, VK Dolmatov, ST Manson
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 32 (14), L395, 1999
Direct evidence from gas-phase atomic spectra for an unscreened intra-atomic origin of outer-core multiplet splittings in solid manganese compounds
B Hermsmeier, CS Fadley, MO Krause, J Jimenez-Mier, P Gerard, ...
Physical review letters 61 (22), 2592, 1988
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