Lawrence A. Rowe
Lawrence A. Rowe
Emeritus Professor EECS, U.C. Berkelely
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Cited by
The design of POSTGRES
M Stonebraker, LA Rowe
ACM Sigmod Record 15 (2), 340-355, 1986
Comparison of video shot boundary detection techniques
JS Boreczky, LA Rowe
Journal of Electronic Imaging 5 (2), 122-128, 1996
The implementation of POSTGRES
M Stonebraker, LA Rowe, M Hirohama
Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 2 (1), 125-142, 1990
Multimedia storage servers: A tutorial
DJ Gemmell, HM Vin, DD Kandlur, P Venkat Rangan, LA Rowe
Computer 28 (5), 40-49, 1995
The POSTGRES Data Model
LA Rowe, MR Stonebraker
Readings in object-oriented database systems, 461, 1990
Third-generation database system manifesto
M Stonebraker, LA Rowe, BG Lindsay, J Gray, MJ Carey, ML Brodie, ...
ACM sIGMOD record 19 (3), 31-44, 1990
A continuous media player
L Rowe, B Smith
Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video, 376-386, 1993
Performance of a software MPEG video decoder
K Patel, BC Smith, LA Rowe
Proceedings of the first ACM international conference on Multimedia, 75-82, 1993
Algorithms for manipulating compressed images
BC Smith, LA Rowe
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 13 (5), 34-42, 1993
Composable ad-hoc mobile services for universal interaction
TD Hodes, RH Katz, E Servan-Schreiber, L Rowe
Proceedings of the 3rd annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Mobile …, 1997
Visual similarity of pen gestures
AC Long Jr, JA Landay, LA Rowe, J Michiels
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2000
Cache consistency and concurrency control in a client/server DBMS architecture
Y Wang, LA Rowe
Proceedings of the 1991 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 1991
A browser for directed graphs
LA Rowe, M Davis, E Messinger, C Meyer, C Spirakis, A Tuan
Software: Practice and Experience 17 (1), 61-76, 1987
DCT coefficient distributions
SR Smoot, LA Rowe
Proceedings of SPIE 2657, 403, 1996
A distributed hierarchical storage manager for a video-on-demand system
C Federighi, LA Rowe
Computer Science Division (EECS), University of California, 1994
Implications for a gesture design tool
AC Long Jr, JA Landay, LA Rowe
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 1999
An investigation of documents from the WWW
A Woodruff, PM Aoki, E Brewer, P Gauthier, LA Rowe
Proceedings of the Fifth International WWW Conference, 963-979, 1996
Data abstraction, views and updates in RIGEL
LA Rowe, KA Shoens
Proceedings of the 1979 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 1979
Indexes for user access to large video databases
LA Rowe, JS Boreczky, CA Eads
Computer Science Division (EEDS), University of California, 1994
Toward a common infrastructure for multimedia-networking middleware
S McCanne, E Brewer, R Katz, L Rowe, E Amir, Y Chawathe, ...
Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Network and Operating System …, 1997
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Articles 1–20