Rishad Shafik
Rishad Shafik
Professor of Microelectronic Systems, Newcastle University, UK
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Cited by
On the extended relationships among EVM, BER and SNR as performance metrics
RA Shafik, MS Rahman, AHMR Islam
2006 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 408-411, 2006
On the error vector magnitude as a performance metric and comparative analysis
RA Shafik, MS Rahman, AHMR Islam, NS Ashraf
2006 International Conference on Emerging Technologies, 27-31, 2006
Reinforcement learning-based inter-and intra-application thermal optimization for lifetime improvement of multicore systems
AK Das, RA Shafik, GV Merrett, BM Al-Hashimi, A Kumar, B Veeravalli
51st Design Automation Conference (DAC), (accepted), 2014
Energy-Efficient Approximate Multiplier Design using Bit Significance-Driven Logic Compression
I Qiqieh, R Shafik, G Tarawneh, D Sokolov, A Yakovlev
Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2017
Learning transfer-based adaptive energy minimization in embedded systems
RA Shafik, S Yang, A Das, LA Maeda-Nunez, GV Merrett, BM Al-Hashimi
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2015
Learning automata based energy-efficient AI hardware design for IoT applications
A Wheeldon, R Shafik, T Rahman, J Lei, A Yakovlev, OC Granmo
Philosophical transactions of the royal society a 378 (2182), 20190593, 2020
SystemC-based minimum intrusive fault injection technique with improved fault representation
RA Shafik, P Rosinger, BM Al-Hashimi
2008 14th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium, 99-104, 2008
Adaptive energy minimization of embedded heterogeneous systems using regression-based learning
S Yang, RA Shafik, GV Merrett, E Stott, JM Levine, J Davis, BM Al-Hashimi
2015 25th international workshop on power and timing modeling, optimization …, 2015
Power-Aware Performance Adaptation of Concurrent Applications in Heterogeneous Many-Core Systems
A Aalsaud, R Shafik, A Rafiev, F Xia, S Yang, A Yakovlev
International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), 2016
K-nearest neighbor based methodology for accurate diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
M Panwar, A Acharyya, RA Shafik, D Biswas
2016 sixth international symposium on embedded computing and system design …, 2016
Workload uncertainty characterization and adaptive frequency scaling for energy minimization of embedded systems
A Das, A Kumar, B Veeravalli, R Shafik, G Merrett, B Al-Hashimi
2015 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 43-48, 2015
Real-Power Computing
R Shafik, A Yakovlev, S Das
IEEE Transactions on Computers 67 (10), 1--16, 2018
Adaptive energy minimization of openmp parallel applications on many-core systems
RA Shafik, A Das, S Yang, G Merrett, BM Al-Hashimi
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time …, 2015
Significance-Driven Logic Compression for Energy-efficient Multiplier Design
A Qiqieh, I., Shafik, R., Tarawneh, G., Sokolov, D., Das, S. and Yakovlev
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, to appear, 2018
Low-Power Audio Keyword Spotting using Tsetlin Machines
J Lei, T Rahman, R Shafik, A Wheeldon, A Yakovlev, OC Granmo, ..., 1--21, 2021
From Arithmetic to Logic Based AI: a Comparative Analysis of Neural Networks and Tsetlin Machine
J Lei, A Wheeldon, R Shafik, A Yakovlev, OC Granmo
27th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems …, 2020
Explainability and Dependability Analysis of Learning Automata based AI Hardware
R Shafik, A Wheeldon, A Yakovlev
IEEE 26th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System …, 2020
Verilog-A based Effective Complementary Resistive Switch Model for Simulations and Analysis
Y Yang, J Mathew, RA Shafik, DK Pradhan
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL), 1-4, 2013
Machine Learning for Run-Time Energy Optimisation in Many-Core Systems
D Biswas, V Balagopal, S Shafik, BM Al-Hashimi, GV Merrett
Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE): Hot Topic Session …, 2017
Amdahl's law in the context of heterogeneous many‐core systems–a survey
MAN Al‐hayanni, F Xia, A Rafiev, A Romanovsky, R Shafik, A Yakovlev
IET Computers & Digital Techniques 14 (4), 133-148, 2020
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Articles 1–20