Zhiyuan Wan
Zhiyuan Wan
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Zhejiang University
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Cited by
How does machine learning change software development practices?
Z Wan, X Xia, D Lo, GC Murphy
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 47 (9), 1857-1871, 2019
What security questions do developers ask? a large-scale study of stack overflow posts
X Yang, D Lo, X Xia, Z Wan, J Sun
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 31 (5), 910-924, 2016
Perceptions, Expectations, and Challenges in Defect Prediction
Z Wan, X Xia, AE Hassan, D Lo, J Yin, X Yang
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2018
Bug characteristics in blockchain systems: a large-scale empirical study
Z Wan, D Lo, X Xia, L Cai
2017 IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories …, 2017
What do programmers discuss about deep learning frameworks
J Han, E Shihab, Z Wan, S Deng, X Xia
Empirical Software Engineering 25, 2694-2747, 2020
Finding a needle in a haystack: Automated mining of silent vulnerability fixes
J Zhou, M Pacheco, Z Wan, X Xia, D Lo, Y Wang, AE Hassan
2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2021
What Do Programmers Discuss about Blockchain? A Case Study on the Use of Balanced LDA and the Reference Architecture of a Domain to Capture Online Discussions about Blockchain …
Z Wan, X Xia, AE Hassan
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2019
Mining Sandboxes for Linux Containers
Z Wan, D Lo, X Xia, L Cai, S Li
The 10th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and …, 2017
Smart contract security: A practitioners' perspective
Z Wan, X Xia, D Lo, J Chen, X Luo, X Yang
2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2021
Practitioners' expectations on automated code comment generation
X Hu, X Xia, D Lo, Z Wan, Q Chen, T Zimmermann
Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2022
How practitioners perceive coding proficiency
X Xia, Z Wan, PS Kochhar, D Lo
2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2019
Appmod: Helping older adults manage mobile security with online social help
Z Wan, L Bao, D Gao, E Toch, X Xia, T Mendel, D Lo
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2019
Smart contract security: a practitioners’ perspective. In 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
Z Wan, X Xia, D Lo, J Chen, X Luo, X Yang
IEEE, 2021
Practical and effective sandboxing for Linux containers
Z Wan, D Lo, X Xia, L Cai
Empirical Software Engineering 24, 4034-4070, 2019
Software architecture in practice: Challenges and opportunities
Z Wan, Y Zhang, X Xia, Y Jiang, D Lo
Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference …, 2023
How practitioners perceive coding proficiency. In 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
X Xia, Z Wan, PS Kochhar, D Lo
IEEE, 924ś935, 2019
A closer look at the security risks in the rust ecosystem
X Zheng, Z Wan, Y Zhang, R Chang, D Lo
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 33 (2), 1-30, 2023
Patchmatch: A Tool for Locating Patches of Open Source Project Vulnerabilities
K Shen, Y Zhang, L Bao, Z Wan, Z Li, M Wu
2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2023
An empirical study of code search in intelligent coding assistant: Perceptions, expectations, and directions
C Liu, X Zhang, H Zhang, Z Wan, Z Huang, M Yan
Companion Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on the …, 2024
When Contracts Meets Crypto: Exploring Developers' Struggles with Ethereum Cryptographic APIs
J Zhang, J Chen, Z Wan, T Chen, J Gao, Z Chen
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software …, 2024
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Articles 1–20