Regina Hebig
Regina Hebig
Professor for Software Engineering, University of Rostock, Germany
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Cited by
The quest for open source projects that use UML: mining GitHub
R Hebig, TH Quang, MRV Chaudron, G Robles, MA Fernandez
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 19th international conference on model driven …, 2016
Approaches to co-evolution of metamodels and models: A survey
R Hebig, DE Khelladi, R Bendraou
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 43 (5), 396-414, 2016
What makes agile software development agile?
M Kuhrmann, P Tell, R Hebig, J Klünder, J Münch, O Linssen, D Pfahl, ...
IEEE transactions on software engineering 48 (9), 3523-3539, 2021
An extensive dataset of UML models in GitHub
G Robles, T Ho-Quang, R Hebig, MRV Chaudron, MA Fernandez
2017 IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories …, 2017
Where is my feature and what is it about? a case study on recovering feature facets
J Krüger, M Mukelabai, W Gu, H Shen, R Hebig, T Berger
Journal of Systems and Software 152, 239-253, 2019
Making control loops explicit when architecting self-adaptive systems
R Hebig, H Giese, B Becker
Proceedings of the second international workshop on Self-organizing …, 2010
Catching up with method and process practice: An industry-informed baseline for researchers
J Klünder, R Hebig, P Tell, M Kuhrmann, J Nakatumba-Nabende, ...
2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2019
Towards a better understanding of software features and their characteristics: A case study of marlin
J Krüger, W Gu, H Shen, M Mukelabai, R Hebig, T Berger
Proceedings of the 12th international workshop on variability modelling of …, 2018
On the unification of megamodels
R Hebig, A Seibel, H Giese
Electronic Communications of the EASST 42, 2012
Blended modeling in commercial and open-source model-driven software engineering tools: A systematic study
I David, M Latifaj, J Pietron, W Zhang, F Ciccozzi, I Malavolta, A Raschke, ...
Software and Systems Modeling 22 (1), 415-447, 2023
Software engineering whispers: The effect of textual vs. graphical software design descriptions on software design communication
R Jolak, M Savary-Leblanc, M Dalibor, A Wortmann, R Hebig, J Vincur, ...
Empirical software engineering 25, 4427-4471, 2020
Chapter 8 Recognizing Lines of Code Violating Company-Specific Coding Guidelines Using Machine Learning
M Ochodek, R Hebig, W Meding, G Frost, M Staron
Accelerating Digital Transformation: 10 Years of Software Center, 211-251, 2022
Practices and perceptions of UML use in open source projects
T Ho-Quang, R Hebig, G Robles, MRV Chaudron, MA Fernandez
2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2017
Using machine learning to design a flexible loc counter
M Ochodek, M Staron, D Bargowski, W Meding, R Hebig
2017 IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Software Quality …, 2017
Detecting complex changes during metamodel evolution
DE Khelladi, R Hebig, R Bendraou, J Robin, MP Gervais
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 27th International Conference …, 2015
Detecting complex changes and refactorings during (meta) model evolution
DE Khelladi, R Hebig, R Bendraou, J Robin, MP Gervais
Information Systems 62, 220-241, 2016
On lightweight metamodel extension to support modeling tools agility
H Bruneliere, J Garcia, P Desfray, DE Khelladi, R Hebig, R Bendraou, ...
Modelling Foundations and Applications: 11th European Conference, ECMFA 2015 …, 2015
A semi-automatic maintenance and co-evolution of OCL constraints with (meta) model evolution
DE Khelladi, R Bendraou, R Hebig, MP Gervais
Journal of Systems and Software 134, 242-260, 2017
Model transformation languages under a magnifying glass: a controlled experiment with Xtend, ATL, and QVT
R Hebig, C Seidl, T Berger, JK Pedersen, A Wąsowski
Proceedings of the 2018 26th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software …, 2018
Emerging and changing tasks in the development process for machine learning systems
H Liu, S Eksmo, J Risberg, R Hebig
Proceedings of the international conference on software and system processes …, 2020
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Articles 1–20