Frank Eliassen
Cited by
Cited by
Using architecture models for runtime adaptability
J Floch, S Hallsteinsen, E Stav, F Eliassen, K Lund, E Gjorven
IEEE software 23 (2), 62-70, 2006
Clustering objectives in wireless sensor networks: A survey and research direction analysis
A Shahraki, A Taherkordi, Ø Haugen, F Eliassen
Computer Networks 180, 107376, 2020
Music: Middleware support for self-adaptation in ubiquitous and service-oriented environments
R Rouvoy, P Barone, Y Ding, F Eliassen, S Hallsteinsen, J Lorenzo, ...
Software engineering for self-adaptive systems, 164-182, 2009
Self-organization as a supporting paradigm for military UAV relay networks
D Orfanus, EP De Freitas, F Eliassen
IEEE Communications letters 20 (4), 804-807, 2016
A survey and future directions on clustering: From WSNs to IoT and modern networking paradigms
A Shahraki, A Taherkordi, Ø Haugen, F Eliassen
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 18 (2), 2242-2274, 2020
A development framework and methodology for self-adapting applications in ubiquitous computing environments
S Hallsteinsen, K Geihs, N Paspallis, F Eliassen, G Horn, J Lorenzo, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (12), 2840-2859, 2012
A resource oriented integration architecture for the Internet of Things: A business process perspective
K Dar, A Taherkordi, H Baraki, F Eliassen, K Geihs
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 20, 145-159, 2015
A comprehensive solution for application‐level adaptation
K Geihs, P Barone, F Eliassen, J Floch, R Fricke, E Gjorven, ...
Software: Practice and Experience 39 (4), 385-422, 2009
Distributed deep reinforcement learning for intelligent load scheduling in residential smart grids
HM Chung, S Maharjan, Y Zhang, F Eliassen
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (4), 2752-2763, 2020
Chameleon: Adaptive peer-to-peer streaming with network coding
AT Nguyen, B Li, F Eliassen
2010 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1-9, 2010
Composing components and services using a planning-based adaptation middleware
R Rouvoy, F Eliassen, J Floch, S Hallsteinsen, E Stav
Software Composition: 7th International Symposium, SC 2008, Budapest …, 2008
6G network AI architecture for everyone-centric customized services
Y Yang, M Ma, H Wu, Q Yu, X You, J Wu, C Peng, TSP Yum, AH Aghvami, ...
IEEE Network 37 (5), 71-80, 2022
Energy minimization approach for optimal cooperative spectrum sensing in sensor-aided cognitive radio networks
HN Pham, Y Zhang, PE Engelstad, T Skeie, F Eliassen
2010 The 5th Annual ICST Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), 1-9, 2010
Demand–response games for peer-to-peer energy trading with the hyperledger blockchain
M Zhang, F Eliassen, A Taherkordi, HA Jacobsen, HM Chung, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 52 (1), 19-31, 2021
Adaptable service composition for very-large-scale internet of things systems
K Dar, A Taherkordi, R Rouvoy, F Eliassen
Proceedings of the 8th Middleware Doctoral Symposium, 1-6, 2011
Placement and routing optimization for automated inspection with unmanned aerial vehicles: A study in offshore wind farm
HM Chung, S Maharjan, Y Zhang, F Eliassen, K Strunz
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (5), 3032-3043, 2020
Interoperability and object identity
F Eliassen, R Karlsen
ACM Sigmod Record 20 (4), 25-29, 1991
RESTful integration of heterogeneous devices in pervasive environments
D Romero, G Hermosillo, A Taherkordi, R Nzekwa, R Rouvoy, F Eliassen
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 10th IFIP WG 6.1 …, 2010
Optimizing sensor network reprogramming via in situ reconfigurable components
A Taherkordi, F Loiret, R Rouvoy, F Eliassen
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 9 (2), 1-33, 2013
Next generation middleware: requirements, architecture, and prototypes
F Eliassen, A Andersen, GS Blair, F Costa, G Coulson, V Goebel, ...
Proceedings 7th IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing …, 1999
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Articles 1–20