Ismail @ Ismail Yusuf Panessai
Ismail @ Ismail Yusuf Panessai
Program of Artificial Intelligence
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Cited by
Gamification Elements and their Impacts on Teaching and Learning - A review
MHA Rahman, IY Panessai, AZBM Noor, NSM Salleh
The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) 10, 2018
Applied genetic algorithm for solving rich VRP
I Yusuf, MS Baba, N Iksan
Applied Artificial Intelligence 28 (10), 957-991, 2014
Penentuan Bonus Karyawan dengan Menggunakan Metode Analytic Network Process di PT. Global Harvest Precision Engineering
S Apandi, O Veza, S Majid, P Pratiwi
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science 2 (1), 51-58, 2020
Bimbingan dan Konseling Mahasiswa yang Berbasis Sistem Pakar dengan Menggunakan Metode Faktor Kepastian
AR Novaliyan, AL Fernandes, PH Wahyudiono, M Olva, A Suganda, ...
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science 3 (2), 21-34, 2021
A temperature control for plastic extruder used fuzzy genetic algorithms
I Yusuf, N Iksan, NS Herman
Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer …, 2010
Learning Logic Gates Using Augmented Reality
NH Rahani, AA Bilong, MRM Suruji, IY Panessai
International Journal of Multimedia and Recent Innovation (IJMARI) 2 (1), 26-44, 2020
Kemudahan penggunaan augmented reality sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran online bagi meningkatkan kinerja dan prestasi siswa dalam seni ukiran kayu
SK Pillai, N Iksan, H Abd Arif, IY Panessai, AS Abdulbaqie, A Yani
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science 3 (2), 48-57, 2021
Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Retribusi Pada Menara Telekomunikasi
A Suganda, RD Permatasari, IY Panessai
International Journal of Education, Science, Technology, and Engineering …, 2019
PSAP: Improving Accuracy of Students' Final Grade Prediction using ID3 and C4. 5
IY Panessai, MM Lakulu, MHA Rahman, NAZM Noor, NSM Salleh, ...
International journal of artificial intelligence 6 (2), 125-133, 2019
Learning Logic Gate through 7-Gates
H Halim, WANW Idris, H Hassan, IY Panessai
International Journal of Multimedia and Recent Innovation (IJMARI) 2 (1), 1-10, 2020
Analisis teknik penerjemahan pada abstrak jurnal IJAI 6 (1)
IY Panessai, D Iskandar, P Afriani, E Effendi
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 3 (1), 9-22, 2021
Displaying health status based IoT
MA Azizi, A Zariman, IY Panessai, A Yani
International Journal of Recent Technology and Applied Science (IJORTAS) 2 …, 2020
Arsitektur Sistem Pakar: Konsep Sistem Pakar
IY Panessai
Lamintang, 2016
Genetic algorithms and designing membership function in fuzzy logic controllers
NS Herman, I Yusuf
2009 World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC …, 2009
Usefulness of augmented reality as a tool to support online learning
Y Panessai
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) 7 (2), 277-285, 2021
GENIUS KIDS: Learn to Count through Games
WANW Idris, H Halim, H Hassan, IY Panessai
International Journal of Multimedia and Recent Innovation (IJMARI) 1 (1), 1-17, 2019
Efficient EEG data compression and transmission algorithm for telemedicine
AS Abdulbaqi, IY Panessai
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT) 97 (4 …, 2019
A tele encephalopathy diagnosis based on EEG signal compression and encryption
AS Abdulbaqi, SM Nejrs, SD Mahmood, IY Panessai
International Conference on Advances in Cyber Security, 148-166, 2020
Mr. Dr. Health-Assistant Chatbot
MM Hossain, SK Pillai, SE Dansy, AA Bilong, IY Panessai
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 8 (2), 58-73, 2021
A social media analytics framework to increase prospective students’ interests in STEM and TVET education
MHM Adnan, SA Ariffin, HF Hanafi, MS Husain, IY Panessai
Asian Journal of University Education 16 (4), 82-90, 2021
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Articles 1–20