Lynsey Gibbons
Lynsey Gibbons
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Focusing on Teacher Learning Opportunities to Identify Potentially Productive Coaching Activities
LK Gibbons, P Cobb
Journal of Teacher Education, 0022487117702579, 2017
Exploring relationships between setting up complex tasks and opportunities to learn in concluding whole-class discussions in middle-grades mathematics instruction
K Jackson, A Garrison, J Wilson, L Gibbons, E Shahan
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 44 (4), 646-682, 2013
Launching complex tasks
KJ Jackson, EC Shahan, LK Gibbons, PA Cobb
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 18 (1), 24-29, 2012
Teachers’ views of students’ mathematical capabilities: Challenges and possibilities for ambitious reform
K Jackson, L Gibbons, CJ Sharpe
Teachers college record 119 (7), 1-43, 2017
Content-Focused Coaching: Five Key Practices
LK Gibbons, P Cobb
The Elementary School Journal 117 (2), 237-260, 2016
Developing collective capacity to improve mathematics instruction: Coaching as a lever for school-wide improvement
LK Gibbons, E Kazemi, RM Lewis
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 46, 231-250, 2017
Investigating how to support principals as instructional leaders in mathematics
MD Boston, EC Henrick, LK Gibbons, D Berebitsky, GT Colby
Journal of Research on Leadership Education 12 (3), 183-214, 2017
Teacher time out: Educators learning together in and through practice
LK Gibbons, E Kazemi, A Hintz, E Hartmann
NCSM Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership 18 (2), 28-46, 2017
Conceptualizing the work of facilitating practice-embedded teacher learning
LK Gibbons, RM Lewis, H Nieman, AF Resnick
Teaching and Teacher Education 101, 103304, 2021
Coordinating leadership supports for teachers’ instructional improvement
LK Gibbons, AG Wilhelm, P Cobb
Journal of School Leadership 29 (3), 248-268, 2019
Math Labs: Teachers, teacher educators, and school leaders learning together with and from their own students
E Kazemi, LK Gibbons, R Lewis, A Fox, AB Hintz, M Kelley-Petersen, ...
Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership 19 (1), 23-36, 2018
Listening to and Learning from Student Thinking
E Kazemi, LK Gibbons, K Lomax, ML Franke
Teaching Children Mathematics 23 (3), 182-190, 2016
Supporting ambitious instruction at scale: The role of instructional coaching
B Kane, P Cobb, LK Gibbons
Systems for instructional improvement: Creating coherence from the classroom …, 2018
Unwrapping students' ideas about fractions
RM Lewis, LK Gibbons, E Kazemi, T Lind
Teaching children mathematics 22 (3), 158-168, 2015
Investigating how setting up cognitively demanding tasks is related to opportunities to learn in middle-grades mathematics classrooms
K Jackson, A Garrison, J Wilson, L Gibbons, E Shahan
Research Pre-session of the Annual meeting of the National Council of …, 2011
Principal leadership for school-wide transformation of elementary mathematics teaching: Why the principal’s conception of teacher learning matters
E Kazemi, AF Resnick, L Gibbons
American Educational Research Journal 59 (6), 1051-1089, 2022
Facilitation Practices in Mathematics Teacher Education and the Mathematical Identities of Preservice Elementary Teachers.
L Gibbons, Z Feldman, S Chapin, LN Batista, R Starks, ...
Mathematics Teacher Education and Development 20 (3), 20-40, 2018
Examining mathematics coaching practices that help develop schoolwide professional learning
L Gibbons
Elementary mathematics specialists: Developing, refining, and examining …, 2017
The Elementary Mathematics Project: Supporting Preservice Teachers’ Content Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics
SH Chapin, LK Gibbons, Z Feldman, LK Callis, A Salinas
Developing Mathematical Proficiency for Elementary Instruction, 89-113, 2021
The Sandwich Strategy: No Matter How You Slice It, Analyzing Student Work Together Improves Math Instruction.
LK Gibbons, RM Lewis, LN Batista
Journal of Staff Development 37 (3), 14, 2016
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Articles 1–20