meichun hsu
Cited by
Cited by
Prefixspan: Mining sequential patterns efficiently by prefix-projected pattern growth
J Han, J Pei, B Mortazavi-Asl, H Pinto, Q Chen, U Dayal, M Hsu
proceedings of the 17th international conference on data engineering, 215-224, 2001
Mining sequential patterns by pattern-growth: The prefixspan approach
J Pei, J Han, B Mortazavi-Asl, J Wang, H Pinto, Q Chen, U Dayal, MC Hsu
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 16 (11), 1424-1440, 2004
FreeSpan: frequent pattern-projected sequential pattern mining
J Han, J Pei, B Mortazavi-Asl, Q Chen, U Dayal, MC Hsu
Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2000
The HiPAC project: Combining active databases and timing constraints
U Dayal, B Blaustein, A Buchmann, U Chakravarthy, M Hsu, R Ledin, ...
ACM Sigmod Record 17 (1), 51-70, 1988
Combining lexicon-based and learning-based methods for Twitter sentiment analysis
L Zhang, R Ghosh, M Dekhil, M Hsu, B Liu
HP Laboratories, Technical Report HPL-2011 89, 1-8, 2011
Spotting opinion spammers using behavioral footprints
A Mukherjee, A Kumar, B Liu, J Wang, M Hsu, M Castellanos, R Ghosh
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2013
Organizing long-running activities with triggers and transactions
U Dayal, M Hsu, R Ladin
Proceedings of the 1990 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 1990
Exploiting burstiness in reviews for review spammer detection
G Fei, A Mukherjee, B Liu, M Hsu, M Castellanos, R Ghosh
Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media 7 …, 2013
Analyzing social media
MG Castellanos, U Dayal, R Ghosh, M Hsu
US Patent App. 13/436,541, 2013
K-harmonic means-a data clustering algorithm
B Zhang, M Hsu, U Dayal
Hewlett-Packard Labs Technical Report HPL-1999-124 55, 1999
A transactional model for long-running activities
U Dayal, M Hsu, R Ladin
VLDB 1991, 113-122, 1991
Business Process Coordination: State of the Art, Trends, and Open Issues.
U Dayal, M Hsu, R Ladin
VLDB 1, 3-13, 2001
Work flow management system and method
M Hsu, A Ghoneimy, K Kleissner
US Patent 5,581,691, 1996
Inter-enterprise collaborative business process management
Q Chen, M Hsu
Proceedings 17th International Conference on Data Engineering, 253-260, 2001
System and method for data stream processing
M Hsu, Q Chen
US Patent 8,260,803, 2012
Peer-to-peer inter-enterprise collaborative process management method and system
Q Chen, M Hsu
US Patent 7,236,939, 2007
Technique for visualizing large web-based hierarchical hyperbolic space with multi-paths
MC Hao, M Hsu, U Dayal, A Krug
US Patent 6,377,287, 2002
Implementing recoverable requests using queues
PA Bernstein, M Hsu, B Mann
Proceedings of the 1990 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 1990
Time-critical database scheduling: A framework for integrating real-time scheduling and concurrency control
AP Buchmann, DR McCarthy, M Hsu, U Dayal
Proceedings. Fifth International Conference on Data Engineering, 470,471,472 …, 1989
An execution model for active data base management systems
M Hsu, R Ladin, DR McCarthy
Proceedings of the third International Conference on Data and Knowledge …, 1988
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Articles 1–20