P.K. Kannan
Cited by
Cited by
From multi-channel retailing to omni-channel retailing: introduction to the special issue on multi-channel retailing
PC Verhoef, PK Kannan, JJ Inman
Journal of retailing 91 (2), 174-181, 2015
Digital marketing: A framework, review and research agenda
PK Kannan
International journal of research in marketing 34 (1), 22-45, 2017
Implications of loyalty program membership and service experiences for customer retention and value
RN Bolton, PK Kannan, MD Bramlett
Journal of the academy of marketing science 28 (1), 95-108, 2000
From social to sale: The effects of firm-generated content in social media on customer behavior
A Kumar, R Bezawada, R Rishika, R Janakiraman, PK Kannan
Journal of marketing 80 (1), 7-25, 2016
Marketing analytics for data-rich environments
M Wedel, PK Kannan
Journal of marketing 80 (6), 97-121, 2016
Value co‐creation: theoretical approaches and practical implications
H Saarijärvi, PK Kannan, H Kuusela
European business review 25 (1), 6-19, 2013
Attributing conversions in a multichannel online marketing environment: An empirical model and a field experiment
H Li, PK Kannan
Journal of marketing research 51 (1), 40-56, 2014
E-service: a new paradigm for business in the electronic environment
RT Rust, PK Kannan
Communications of the ACM 46 (6), 36-42, 2003
Dynamic pricing on the Internet: Importance and implications for consumer behavior
PKK PK Kannan
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 5 (3), 63-83, 2001
Wireless Commerce: Marketing Issues and Possibilities
PK Kannan
IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001
The customer economics of internet privacy
RT Rust, PK Kannan, N Peng
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 30 (4), 455-464, 2002
An interdisciplinary perspective on IT services management and service science
IR Bardhan, H Demirkan, PK Kannan, RJ Kauffman, R Sougstad
Journal of Management Information Systems 26 (4), 13-64, 2010
Consumer connectivity in a complex, technology-enabled, and mobile-oriented world with smart products
PC Verhoef, AT Stephen, PK Kannan, X Luo, V Abhishek, M Andrews, ...
Journal of Interactive Marketing 40 (1), 1-8, 2017
Consumer behavioral loyalty
CK Yim, PK Kannan
Journal of business research 44 (2), 75-92, 1999
Leveraging Web 2.0 in government
AM Chang, PK Kannan
IBM Center for the Business of Government, 2008
Strategic online and offline retail pricing: a review and research agenda
D Grewal, R Janakiraman, K Kalyanam, PK Kannan, B Ratchford, R Song, ...
Journal of interactive marketing 24 (2), 138-154, 2010
E-service: New directions in theory and practice
RT Rust, PK Kannan
ME Sharpe, 2002
The informational value of social tagging networks
H Nam, PK Kannan
Journal of Marketing 78 (4), 21-40, 2014
Device switching in online purchasing: Examining the strategic contingencies
E De Haan, PK Kannan, PC Verhoef, T Wiesel
Journal of Marketing 82 (5), 1-19, 2018
Using online search data to forecast new product sales
G Kulkarni, PK Kannan, W Moe
Decision support systems 52 (3), 604-611, 2012
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Articles 1–20