Michael Franklin Bosu
Michael Franklin Bosu
Waikato Instititute of Technology
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Cited by
A taxonomy of data quality challenges in empirical software engineering
MF Bosu, SG MacDonell
2013 22nd Australian Software Engineering Conference, 97-106, 2013
Duplex output software effort estimation model with self-guided interpretation
S Mensah, J Keung, MF Bosu, KE Bennin
Information and Software Technology 94, 1-13, 2018
Data quality in empirical software engineering: a targeted review
MF Bosu, SG MacDonell
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Evaluation and …, 2013
Experience: Quality benchmarking of datasets used in software effort estimation
MF Bosu, SG Macdonell
Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ) 11 (4), 1-38, 2019
Is knee pain information on YouTube videos perceived to be helpful? An analysis of user comments and implications for dissemination on social media
S Meldrum, BTR Savarimuthu, S Licorish, A Tahir, M Bosu, P Jayakaran
Digital health 3, 2055207617698908, 2017
On Satisfying the Android OS Community: User Feedback Still Central to Developers’ Portfolios
SA Licorish, A Tahir, MF Bosu, SG MacDonell
24th Australasian Software Engineering Conference, 2015
Investigating the Significance of the Bellwether Effect to Improve Software Effort Prediction: Further Empirical Study
S Mensah, J Keung, SG MacDonell, MF Bosu, KE Bennin
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 67 (3), 1176-1198, 2018
Investigating the significance of bellwether effect to improve software effort estimation
S Mensah, J Keung, SG MacDonell, MF Bosu, KE Bennin
2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and …, 2017
Rework Effort Estimation of Self-admitted Technical Debt
S Mensah, J Keung, MF Bosu, KE Bennin
First International Workshop on Technical Debt Analytics, 72-75, 2016
Assessing learning outcomes of course descriptors containing object oriented programming concepts
D Abuaiadah, C Burrell, M Bosu, S Joyce, A Hajmoosaei
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 54, 345-356, 2019
Multi-Objective Optimization for Software Testing Effort Estimation
S Mensah, J Keung, KE Bennin, MF Bosu
The 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge …, 2016
A Stratification and Sampling Model for Bellwether Moving Window
S Mensah, J Keung, M Bosu, K Bennin, PK Kudjo
29th Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2017
Evaluation of IT Service Desk: A Case Study
MF Bosu, D Abuaiadah, P Khanna, S Nepia, D Palmer
Data quality in empirical software engineering: An investigation of time-aware models in software effort estimation
MF Bosu
University of Otago, 2016
Eliciting an enhancive maintenance model in three organisations in Ghana
M Kajko-Mattsson, M Bosu
5th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science …, 2006
Automatic counting of chickens in confined area using the LCFCN algorithm
D Abuaiadah, A Switzer, M Bosu, Y Liu
2022 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision …, 2022
Analyzing the stationarity process in software effort estimation datasets
MF Bosu, SG MacDonell, PA Whigham
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 30 …, 2020
Revisiting the conclusion instability issue in software effort estimation
MF Bosu, S Mensah, K Bennin, D Abuaiadah
The 30th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge …, 2018
Data Quality Challenges in Empirical Software Engineering: An Evidence-Based Solution
MF Bosu, SG MacDonell
22nd Australasian Conference on Software Engineering, 2013
The formulation of complex queries and interactions using SMS text messages
S Agyepong, MF Bosu, HAJ Ben
African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research 4 (6), 217- 220, 2011
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Articles 1–20