Dominick Matteau
Cited by
Cited by
Complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli BW25113
F Grenier, D Matteau, V Baby, S Rodrigue
Genome announcements 2 (5), 10.1128/genomea. 01038-14, 2014
The master activator of IncA/C conjugative plasmids stimulates genomic islands and multidrug resistance dissemination
N Carraro, D Matteau, P Luo, S Rodrigue, V Burrus
PLoS Genetics 10 (10), e1004714, 2014
Translatome analysis of an NB-LRR immune response identifies important contributors to plant immunity in Arabidopsis
LV Meteignier, M El Oirdi, M Cohen, T Barff, D Matteau, JF Lucier, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 68 (9), 2333-2344, 2017
Impact of donor–recipient phylogenetic distance on bacterial genome transplantation
F Labroussaa, A Lebaudy, V Baby, G Gourgues, D Matteau, S Vashee, ...
Nucleic acids research 44 (17), 8501-8511, 2016
Common mechanism of transcription termination at coding and noncoding RNA genes in fission yeast
M Larochelle, MA Robert, JN Hébert, X Liu, D Matteau, S Rodrigue, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4364, 2018
Development of pVCR94ΔX from Vibrio cholerae, a prototype for studying multidrug resistant IncA/C conjugative plasmids
N Carraro, M Sauvé, D Matteau, G Lauzon, S Rodrigue, V Burrus
Frontiers in Microbiology 5, 44, 2014
Transfer activation of SXT/R391 integrative and conjugative elements: unraveling the SetCD regulon
D Poulin-Laprade, D Matteau, PE Jacques, S Rodrigue, V Burrus
Nucleic Acids Research 43 (4), 2045-2056, 2015
Biochemical and molecular characterization of a thermostable chitosanase produced by the strain Paenibacillus sp. 1794 newly isolated from compost
M Zitouni, M Fortin, RK Scheerle, T Letzel, D Matteau, S Rodrigue, ...
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 97, 5801-5813, 2013
Cloning and Transplantation of the Mesoplasma florum Genome
V Baby, F Labroussaa, J Brodeur, D Matteau, G Gourgues, C Lartigue, ...
ACS synthetic biology 7 (1), 209-217, 2018
A small-volume, low-cost, and versatile continuous culture device
D Matteau, V Baby, S Pelletier, S Rodrigue
PLoS One 10 (7), e0133384, 2015
Unraveling the regulatory network of IncA/C plasmid mobilization: when genomic islands hijack conjugative elements
N Carraro, D Matteau, V Burrus, S Rodrigue
Mobile Genetic Elements 5 (3), 34-38, 2015
Inferring the Minimal Genome of Mesoplasma florum by Comparative Genomics and Transposon Mutagenesis
V Baby, JC Lachance, J Gagnon, JF Lucier, D Matteau, T Knight, ...
MSystems 3 (3), 10.1128/msystems. 00198-17, 2018
Complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli BW25113. Genome Announc 2: e01038-14
F Grenier, D Matteau, V Baby, S Rodrigue
Development of oriC-Based Plasmids for Mesoplasma florum
D Matteau, ME Pepin, V Baby, S Gauthier, M Arango Giraldo, TF Knight, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83 (7), e03374-16, 2017
Integrative characterization of the near‐minimal bacterium Mesoplasma florum
D Matteau, JC Lachance, F Grenier, S Gauthier, JM Daubenspeck, ...
Molecular Systems Biology 16 (12), e9844, 2020
Genome‐scale metabolic modeling reveals key features of a minimal gene set
JC Lachance, D Matteau, J Brodeur, CJ Lloyd, N Mih, ZA King, TF Knight, ...
Molecular systems biology 17 (7), e10099, 2021
Precise identification of genome-wide transcription start sites in bacteria by 5′-rapid amplification of cDNA ends (5′-RACE)
D Matteau, S Rodrigue
DNA-Protein Interactions: Principles and Protocols, 143-159, 2015
Dual leucine zipper kinase regulates expression of axon guidance genes in mouse neuronal cells
A Blondeau, JF Lucier, D Matteau, L Dumont, S Rodrigue, PÉ Jacques, ...
Neural Development 11, 1-12, 2016
Complete genome sequence of the Mesoplasma florum W37 strain
V Baby, D Matteau, TF Knight, S Rodrigue
Genome announcements 1 (6), 10.1128/genomea. 00879-13, 2013
The master activator of IncA
N Carraro, D Matteau, P Luo, S Rodrigue, V Burrus
C, 2014
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Articles 1–20