Adam Charles
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Cited by
Learning sparse codes for hyperspectral imagery
AS Charles, BA Olshausen, CJ Rozell
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 5 (5), 963-978, 2011
Volumetric two-photon imaging of neurons using stereoscopy (vTwINS)
A Song, AS Charles, SA Koay, JL Gauthier, SY Thiberge, JW Pillow, ...
Nature Methods 14 (4), 420–426, 2017
Sparsity penalties in dynamical system estimation
A Charles, MS Asif, J Romberg, C Rozell
2011 45th annual conference on information sciences and systems, 1-6, 2011
Dynamic Filtering of Time-Varying Sparse Signals viaMinimization
AS Charles, A Balavoine, CJ Rozell
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (21), 5644-5656, 2016
Neural anatomy and optical microscopy (NAOMi) simulation for evaluating calcium imaging methods
A Song, JL Gauthier, JW Pillow, DW Tank, AS Charles
Journal of neuroscience methods 358, 109173, 2021
Sequential and efficient neural-population coding of complex task information
SA Koay, AS Charles, SY Thiberge, CD Brody, DW Tank
Neuron 110 (2), 328-349. e11, 2022
Dethroning the fano factor: a flexible, model-based approach to partitioning neural variability
AS Charles, M Park, JP Weller, GD Horwitz, JW Pillow
Neural computation 30 (4), 1012-1045, 2018
Low power sparse approximation on reconfigurable analog hardware
S Shapero, AS Charles, CJ Rozell, P Hasler
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 2 (3 …, 2012
Visualizing the phate of neural networks
S Gigante, AS Charles, S Krishnaswamy, G Mishne
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
Spectral Superresolution of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Reweighted Spatial Filtering
AS Charles, CJ Rozell
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 11 (3), 602-606, 2013
A common network architecture efficiently implements a variety of sparsity-based inference problems
AS Charles, P Garrigues, CJ Rozell
Neural computation 24 (12), 3317-3339, 2012
Short-term memory capacity in networks via the restricted isometry property
AS Charles, HL Yap, CJ Rozell
Neural computation 26 (6), 1198-1235, 2014
Estimation and dynamic updating of time-varying signals with sparse variations
MS Asif, A Charles, J Romberg, C Rozell
2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2011
Dynamic filtering of sparse signals using reweighted ℓ1
AS Charles, CJ Rozell
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013
Sparse-coding variational auto-encoders
V Geadah, G Barello, D Greenidge, AS Charles, JW Pillow
BioRxiv, 399246, 2018
Detecting and correcting false transients in calcium imaging
JL Gauthier, SA Koay, EH Nieh, DW Tank, JW Pillow, AS Charles
Nature Methods, 2022
Toward community-driven big open brain science: open big data and tools for structure, function, and genetics
AS Charles, B Falk, N Turner, TD Pereira, D Tward, BD Pedigo, J Chung, ...
Annual review of neuroscience 43 (1), 441-464, 2020
Matrix-normal models for fMRI analysis
M Shvartsman, N Sundaram, M Aoi, A Charles, T Willke, J Cohen
International conference on artificial intelligence and statistics, 1914-1923, 2018
Distributed Sequence Memory of Multidimensional Inputs in Recurrent Networks
AS Charles, D Yin, CJ Rozell
Journal of Machine Learning Research 18 (7), 1-37, 2017
GraFT: Graph filtered temporal dictionary learning for functional neural imaging
AS Charles, N Cermak, RO Affan, BB Scott, J Schiller, G Mishne
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 31, 3509-3524, 2022
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Articles 1–20