Souvik Dutta Chowdhury
Cited by
Cited by
Online handwriting recognition using Levenshtein distance metric
SD Chowdhury, U Bhattacharya, SK Parui
2013 12th international conference on document analysis and recognition, 79-83, 2013
A sigma-lognormal model-based approach to generating large synthetic online handwriting sample databases
U Bhattacharya, R Plamondon, S Dutta Chowdhury, P Goyal, SK Parui
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 20, 155-171, 2017
Holistic recognition of online handwritten words based on an ensemble of SVM classifiers
A Srimany, SD Chowdhuri, U Bhattacharya, SK Parui
2014 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 86-90, 2014
Levenshtein distance metric based holistic handwritten word recognition
SD Chowdhury, U Bhattacharya, SK Parui
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Multilingual OCR, 1-5, 2013
A DCT based Watermarking on Grayscale Images against Copy-right Infringement (DCTWGICI)
SD Chowdhury, SK Ghosal
National seminar on Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Laws, 2012
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Articles 1–5