Dr Daniel Campbell-Meiklejohn
Dr Daniel Campbell-Meiklejohn
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How the opinion of others affects our valuation of objects
DK Campbell-Meiklejohn, DR Bach, A Roepstorff, RJ Dolan, CD Frith
Current Biology 20 (13), 1165-1170, 2010
Knowing when to stop: the brain mechanisms of chasing losses
DK Campbell-Meiklejohn, MW Woolrich, RE Passingham, RD Rogers
Biological psychiatry 63 (3), 293-300, 2008
A comparative fMRI meta-analysis of altruistic and strategic decisions to give
J Cutler, D Campbell-Meiklejohn
NeuroImage 184, 227-241, 2019
EMOTICOM: a neuropsychological test battery to evaluate emotion, motivation, impulsivity, and social cognition
AR Bland, JP Roiser, MA Mehta, T Schei, H Boland, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 10, 25, 2016
Serotonin and dopamine play complementary roles in gambling to recover losses
D Campbell-Meiklejohn, J Wakeley, V Herbert, J Cook, P Scollo, MK Ray, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 36 (2), 402-410, 2011
Converging evidence for central 5-HT effects in acute tryptophan depletion
MJ Crockett, L Clark, JP Roiser, OJ Robinson, R Cools, HW Chase, ...
Molecular Psychiatry, 2011
Amygdala structure and the tendency to regard the social system as legitimate and desirable
HH Nam, JT Jost, L Kaggen, D Campbell-Meiklejohn, JJ Van Bavel
Nature Human Behaviour 2 (2), 133-138, 2018
Structure of orbitofrontal cortex predicts social influence
DK Campbell-Meiklejohn, R Kanai, B Bahrami, DR Bach, RJ Dolan, ...
Current Biology 22 (4), R123-R124, 2012
Independent neural computation of value from other people's confidence
D Campbell-Meiklejohn, A Simonsen, CD Frith, ND Daw
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (3), 673-684, 2017
Modulation of social influence by methylphenidate
DK Campbell-Meiklejohn, A Simonsen, M Jensen, V Wohlert, T Gjerløff, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 37 (6), 1517-1525, 2012
Shared neural basis of social and non-social reward deficits in chronic cocaine users
PN Tobler, KH Preller, DK Campbell-Meiklejohn, M Kirschner, ...
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 11 (6), 1017-1025, 2016
Hyper-and hypomentalizing in patients with first-episode schizophrenia: fMRI and behavioral studies
V Bliksted, C Frith, P Videbech, B Fagerlund, C Emborg, A Simonsen, ...
Schizophrenia bulletin 45 (2), 377-385, 2019
Conditioned taste aversion: modulation by 5-HT receptor activity and corticosterone
B Gorzalka, L Hanson, J Harrington, S Killam, D Campbell-Meiklejohn
European journal of pharmacology 471 (2), 129-134, 2003
In for a penny, in for a pound: methylphenidate reduces the inhibitory effect of high stakes on persistent risky choice
D Campbell-Meiklejohn, A Simonsen, J Scheel-Krüger, V Wohlert, ...
Journal of neuroscience 32 (38), 13032-13038, 2012
Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus transiently enhances loss-chasing behaviour in patients with Parkinson's disease
RD Rogers, B Wielenberg, L Wojtecki, S Elben, D Campbell-Meiklejohn, ...
Experimental neurology 231 (1), 181-189, 2011
Serotoninergic effects on judgments and social learning of trustworthiness
A Simonsen, J Scheel-Krüger, M Jensen, A Roepstorff, A Møller, CD Frith, ...
Psychopharmacology 231, 2759-2769, 2014
Taking others into account: combining directly experienced and indirect information in schizophrenia
A Simonsen, R Fusaroli, ML Petersen, AQ Vermillet, V Bliksted, O Mors, ...
Brain 144 (5), 1603-1614, 2021
Enhanced automatic action imitation and intact imitation-inhibition in schizophrenia
A Simonsen, R Fusaroli, JC Skewes, A Roepstorff, ...
Schizophrenia Bulletin 45 (1), 87-95, 2019
A single oral dose of citalopram increases interoceptive insight in healthy volunteers
JJA Livermore, CL Holmes, G Moga, K Adamatzky, HD Critchley, ...
Psychopharmacology 239 (7), 2289-2298, 2022
Selective effects of serotonin on choices to gather more information
JJA Livermore, CL Holmes, J Cutler, M Levstek, G Moga, JRC Brittain, ...
Journal of Psychopharmacology 35 (6), 631-640, 2021
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Articles 1–20