Joël Cugnoni
Joël Cugnoni
Associate Professor, University of Applied Sciences South-West Switzerland (HES-SO) & Associate
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Thin ply composites: Experimental characterization and modeling of size-effects
R Amacher, J Cugnoni, J Botsis, L Sorensen, W Smith, C Dransfeld
Composites Science and Technology 101, 121-132, 2014
Low energy impact damage monitoring of composites using dynamic strain signals from FBG sensors–Part I: Impact detection and localization
J Frieden, J Cugnoni, J Botsis, T Gmür
Composite structures 94 (2), 438-445, 2012
Delamination detection and characterisation of bridging tractions using long FBG optical sensors
L Sorensen, J Botsis, T Gmür, J Cugnoni
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 38 (10), 2087-2096, 2007
High-speed internal strain measurements in composite structures under dynamic load using embedded FBG sensors
J Frieden, J Cugnoni, J Botsis, T Gmür, D Ćorić
Composite Structures 92 (8), 1905-1912, 2010
Towards aerospace grade thin-ply composites: Effect of ply thickness, fibre, matrix and interlayer toughening on strength and damage tolerance
J Cugnoni, R Amacher, S Kohler, J Brunner, E Kramer, C Dransfeld, ...
Composites Science and Technology 168, 467-477, 2018
Specimen thickness dependence of large scale fiber bridging in mode I interlaminar fracture of carbon epoxy composite
E Farmand-Ashtiani, J Cugnoni, J Botsis
International Journal of Solids and Structures 55, 58-65, 2015
Studies of mode I delamination in monotonic and fatigue loading using FBG wavelength multiplexing and numerical analysis
S Stutz, J Cugnoni, J Botsis
Composites Science and Technology 71 (4), 443-449, 2011
Monitoring of process induced strains in a single fibre composite using FBG sensor: A methodological study
D Karalekas, J Cugnoni, J Botsis
Composites part A: applied science and manufacturing 39 (7), 1118-1127, 2008
Numerical-experimental identification of the elastic and damping properties in composite plates
M Matter, T Gmür, J Cugnoni, A Schorderet
Composite Structures 90 (2), 180-187, 2009
Inverse method based on modal analysis for characterizing the constitutive properties of thick composite plates
J Cugnoni, T Gmür, A Schorderet
Computers & Structures 85 (17-18), 1310-1320, 2007
Delamination in cross-ply laminates: Identification of traction–separation relations and cohesive zone modeling
E Farmand-Ashtiani, D Alanis, J Cugnoni, J Botsis
Composites Science and Technology 119, 85-92, 2015
Mode I interlaminar fracture of carbon epoxy laminates: Effects of ply thickness
G Frossard, J Cugnoni, T Gmür, J Botsis
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 91, 1-8, 2016
Low energy impact damage monitoring of composites using dynamic strain signals from FBG sensors–Part II: Damage identification
J Frieden, J Cugnoni, J Botsis, T Gmür
Composite Structures 94 (2), 593-600, 2012
Hydro-mechanical coupling in the periodontal ligament: A porohyperelastic finite element model
M Bergomi, J Cugnoni, M Galli, J Botsis, UC Belser, HWA Wiskott
Journal of Biomechanics 44 (1), 34-38, 2011
The role of the fluid phase in the viscous response of bovine periodontal ligament
M Bergomi, J Cugnoni, J Botsis, UC Belser, HWA Wiskott
Journal of biomechanics 43 (6), 1146-1152, 2010
Identification of the elastic and damping properties in sandwich structures with a low core-to-skin stiffness ratio
M Matter, T Gmür, J Cugnoni, A Schorderet
Composite Structures 93 (2), 331-341, 2011
Monitoring of hygrothermal ageing effects in an epoxy resin using FBG sensor: A methodological study
D Karalekas, J Cugnoni, J Botsis
Composites science and technology 69 (3-4), 507-514, 2009
An experimental–numerical study of moisture absorption in an epoxy
M Lai, J Botsis, J Cugnoni, D Coric
Composites part A: applied science and manufacturing 43 (7), 1053-1060, 2012
Crack–fiber sensor interaction and characterization of the bridging tractions in mode I delamination
S Stutz, J Cugnoni, J Botsis
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (6), 890-900, 2011
Microstructure-based modeling of the ageing effect on the deformation behavior of the eutectic micro-constituent in SnAgCu lead-free solder
M Maleki, J Cugnoni, J Botsis
Acta materialia 61 (1), 103-114, 2013
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Articles 1–20