Houssem Lahiani
Houssem Lahiani
ENET'Com - University of Sfax
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Real time hand gesture recognition system for android devices
H Lahiani, M Elleuch, M Kherallah
2015 15th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2015
Hand gesture recognition method based on HOG-LBP features for mobile devices
H Lahiani, M Neji
Procedia Computer Science 126, 254-263, 2018
Recognizing Arabic handwritten script using support vector machine classifier
M Elleuch, H Lahiani, M Kherallah
2015 15th International conference on intelligent systems design and …, 2015
Hand pose estimation system based on Viola-Jones algorithm for android devices
H Lahiani, M Kherallah, M Neji
2016 IEEE/ACS 13th International Conference of Computer Systems and …, 2016
Real Time Static Hand Gesture Recognition System for Mobile Devices.
H Lahiani, M Elleuch, M Kherallah
Journal of Information Assurance & Security 11 (2), 2016
Vision based hand gesture recognition for mobile devices: a review
H Lahiani, M Kherallah, M Neji
International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 308-318, 2016
Hand gesture recognition system based on local binary pattern approach for mobile devices
H Lahiani, M Kherallah, M Neji
International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 180-190, 2017
Hand gesture recognition system based on LBP and SVM for mobile devices
H Lahiani, M Neji
Computational Collective Intelligence: 11th International Conference, ICCCI …, 2019
A survey on hand gesture recognition for mobile devices
H Lahiani, M Neji
International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications …, 2020
Hand pose estimation system based on a cascade approach for mobile devices
H Lahiani, M Kherallah, M Neji
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications: 17th International Conference …, 2018
Hand pose estimation system based on combined features for mobile devices
H Lahiani, M Neji
International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems 13 (2 …, 2020
Comparative study beetween hand pose estimation systems for mobile devices.
H Lahiani, M Neji
Journal of Information Assurance & Security 12 (6), 2017
Design of a Hand Pose Recognition System for Mobile and Embedded Devices
H Lahiani, M Neji
International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT …, 2022
Exploring CNN-based transfer learning approaches for Arabic alphabets sign language recognition using the ArSL2018 dataset
H Lahiani, M Frikha
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics 12 (2), 236-260, 2024
A systematic review of social media data mining on android
H Lahiani, M Frikha
Procedia Computer Science 225, 2018-2027, 2023
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Anomaly Detection in Android: A Survey
H Lahiani, M Frikha
2023 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW), 16-23, 2023
A Comparative Study of Two Deep learning Architectures for Gesture Recognition on ArSL2018 Dataset
H Lahiani, M Frikha
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Articles 1–17