Ferry Pramudianto
Ferry Pramudianto
Research Associate at Fraunhofer FIT
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The energy aware smart home
M Jahn, M Jentsch, CR Prause, F Pramudianto, A Al-Akkad, R Reiners
2010 5th international conference on future information technology, 1-8, 2010
Department of Control and Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Torino, Italy.
E Patti, A Acquaviva, M Jahn, F Pramudianto, R Tomasi, D Rabourdin, ...
IEEE, 2014
Heterogeneous applications, tools, and methodologies in the car manufacturing industry through an IoT approach
H Khaleel, D Conzon, P Kasinathan, P Brizzi, C Pastrone, F Pramudianto, ...
IEEE Systems journal 11 (3), 1412-1423, 2015
User activity recognition for energy saving in smart home environment
WS Lima, E Souto, T Rocha, RW Pazzi, F Pramudianto
2015 IEEE symposium on computers and communication (ISCC), 751-757, 2015
Bringing the Internet of Things along the manufacturing line: A case study in controlling industrial robot and monitoring energy consumption remotely
P Brizzi, D Conzon, H Khaleel, R Tomasi, C Pastrone, AM Spirito, ...
2013 IEEE 18th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2013
Iot link: An internet of things prototyping toolkit
F Pramudianto, CA Kamienski, E Souto, F Borelli, LL Gomes, D Sadok, ...
2014 IEEE 11th Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2014 …, 2014
Energy saving in existing buildings by an intelligent use of interoperable ICTs
A Osello, A Acquaviva, C Aghemo, L Blaso, D Dalmasso, D Erba, ...
Energy efficiency 6, 707-723, 2013
Industrial application development exploiting IoT vision and model driven programming
D Conzon, P Brizzi, P Kasinathan, C Pastrone, F Pramudianto, P Cultrona
2015 18th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation …, 2015
Context-aware energy efficiency management for smart buildings
C Kamienski, F Borelli, G Biondi, W Rosa, I Pinheiro, I Zyrianoff, D Sadok, ...
2015 IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 699-704, 2015
Hydra middleware for developing pervasive systems: A case study in the eHealth domain
M Jahn, F Pramudianto, AA Al-Akkad
We are pleased to present the Workshop Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Con …, 2009
Prototyping the Internet of Things for the future factory using a SOA-based middleware and reliable WSNs
F Pramudianto, J Simon, M Eisenhauer, H Khaleel, C Pastrone, M Spirito
2013 IEEE 18th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2013
Model Driven Development for Internet of Things Application Prototyping
F Pramudianto, I Rusmita, M Jarke
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and …, 2013
Food traceability chain supported by the ebbits IoT middleware
K Furdik, F Pramudianto, M Ahlsén, P Rosengren, P Kool, S Zhenyu, ...
Dynamics in Logistics: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC …, 2016
Connecting the Internet of Things rapidly through a model driven approach
F Pramudianto, M Eisenhauer, CA Kamienski, D Sadok, EJ Souto
2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 135-140, 2016
Architecture for mixed criticality resource management in Internet of Things
J Takalo-Mattila, J Kiljander, F Pramudianto, E Ferrera
Proceedings of 2014 TRON Symposium (TRONSHOW), 1-9, 2014
An energy-saving support system for office environments
M Jentsch, M Jahn, F Pramudianto, J Simon, A Al-Akkad
Human Behavior Understanding: Second International Workshop, HBU 2011 …, 2011
The ebbits platform: leveraging on the Internet of Things to support meat traceability
P Brizzi, D Conzon, F Pramudianto, M Paralic, M Jacobsen, C Pastrone, ...
Proceedings of the EFITA-WCCA-CIGR conference ‘sustainable agriculture …, 2013
Middleware for building pervasive systems.
A Al-Akkad, F Pramudianto, M Jahn, A Zimmermann
IADIS AC (1), 291-298, 2009
Towards a generic middleware for developing ambient intelligence applications
M Eisenhauer, M Jahn, F Pramudianto, T Sabol, P Kostelnik, J Hreno
2nd Workshop on eeBuildings Data Models at CIB W078–W102, 26-28, 2011
Rapid application development in the internet of things: a model-based approach
F Pramudianto
Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, 2015, 2015
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Articles 1–20