Max Krasnow
Max Krasnow
Dept of Psychology & Division of Continuing Education, Harvard University
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Universality and diversity in human song
SA Mehr, M Singh, D Knox, DM Ketter, D Pickens-Jones, S Atwood, ...
Science 366 (6468), eaax0868, 2019
Evolution of direct reciprocity under uncertainty can explain human generosity in one-shot encounters
AW Delton, MM Krasnow, L Cosmides, J Tooby
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (32), 13335-13340, 2011
Origins of music in credible signaling
SA Mehr, MM Krasnow, GA Bryant, EH Hagen
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44, e60, 2021
Form and function in human song
SA Mehr, M Singh, H York, L Glowacki, MM Krasnow
Current Biology 28 (3), 356-368. e5, 2018
What are punishment and reputation for?
MM Krasnow, L Cosmides, EJ Pedersen, J Tooby
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45662, 2012
Looking under the hood of third-party punishment reveals design for personal benefit
MM Krasnow, AW Delton, L Cosmides, J Tooby
Psychological science 27 (3), 405-418, 2016
Spatial adaptations for plant foraging: Women excel and calories count
J New, MM Krasnow, D Truxaw, SJC Gaulin
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1626), 2679-2684, 2007
Acoustic regularities in infant-directed speech and song across cultures
CB Hilton, CJ Moser, M Bertolo, H Lee-Rubin, D Amir, CM Bainbridge, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 6 (11), 1545-1556, 2022
The psychology of deterrence explains why group membership matters for third-party punishment
AW Delton, MM Krasnow
Evolution and Human Behavior 38 (6), 734-743, 2017
Meeting now suggests we will meet again: Implications for debates on the evolution of cooperation
MM Krasnow, AW Delton, J Tooby, L Cosmides
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1747, 2013
Parent-offspring conflict and the evolution of infant-directed song
SA Mehr, MM Krasnow
Evolution and Human Behavior 38 (5), 674-684, 2017
Cognitive adaptations for gathering-related navigation in humans
MM Krasnow, D Truxaw, SJC Gaulin, J New, H Ozono, S Uono, T Ueno, ...
Evolution and Human Behavior 32 (1), 1-12, 2011
Why warmth matters more than competence: A new evolutionary approach
AB Eisenbruch, MM Krasnow
Perspectives on Psychological Science 17 (6), 1604-1623, 2022
Group cooperation without group selection: Modest punishment can recruit much cooperation
MM Krasnow, AW Delton, L Cosmides, J Tooby
PloS one 10 (4), e0124561, 2015
Conditions under which function information attenuates name extension via shape
D Truxaw, MM Krasnow, C Woods, TP German
Psychological Science 17 (5), 367-371, 2006
An independent replication that the evolution of direct reciprocity under uncertainty explains one-shot cooperation: Commentary on Zefferman
AW Delton, MM Krasnow
Evolution and Human Behavior 35 (6), 547-48, 2014
Genomic imprinting is implicated in the psychology of music
SA Mehr, J Kotler, RM Howard, D Haig, MM Krasnow
Psychological science 28 (10), 1455-1467, 2017
Origins of music in credible signaling (preprint). PsyArXiv
SA Mehr, M Krasnow, GA Bryant, EH Hagen
Evolution of fairness: Rereading the data
AW Delton, MM Krasnow, L Cosmides, J Tooby
Science 329 (5990), 389-389, 2010
The importance of being honest? Evidence that deception may not pollute social science subject pools after all
MM Krasnow, RM Howard, AB Eisenbruch
Behavior research methods 52, 1175-1188, 2020
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Articles 1–20