Amparo Galindo
Cited by
Cited by
Carbon capture and storage (CCS): the way forward
M Bui, CS Adjiman, A Bardow, EJ Anthony, A Boston, S Brown, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (5), 1062-1176, 2018
An overview of CO 2 capture technologies
N MacDowell, N Florin, A Buchard, J Hallett, A Galindo, G Jackson, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 3 (11), 1645-1669, 2010
Statistical associating fluid theory for chain molecules with attractive potentials of variable range
A Gil-Villegas, A Galindo, PJ Whitehead, SJ Mills, G Jackson, AN Burgess
The Journal of chemical physics 106 (10), 4168-4186, 1997
Accurate statistical associating fluid theory for chain molecules formed from Mie segments
T Lafitte, A Apostolakou, C Avendaņo, A Galindo, CS Adjiman, EA Müller, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 139 (15), 2013
Group contribution methodology based on the statistical associating fluid theory for heteronuclear molecules formed from Mie segments
V Papaioannou, T Lafitte, C Avendaņo, CS Adjiman, G Jackson, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 140 (5), 2014
A group contribution method for associating chain molecules based on the statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT-γ)
A Lymperiadis, CS Adjiman, A Galindo, G Jackson
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (23), 2007
SAFT-γ force field for the simulation of molecular fluids. 1. A single-site coarse grained model of carbon dioxide
C Avendano, T Lafitte, A Galindo, CS Adjiman, G Jackson, EA Müller
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (38), 11154-11169, 2011
SAFT-VRE: phase behavior of electrolyte solutions with the statistical associating fluid theory for potentials of variable range
A Galindo, A Gil-Villegas, G Jackson, AN Burgess
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (46), 10272-10281, 1999
Developing optimal Wertheim-like models of water for use in Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (SAFT) and related approaches
GNI Clark, AJ Haslam, A Galindo, G Jackson
Molecular physics 104 (22-24), 3561-3581, 2006
Computer-aided molecular design of solvents for accelerated reaction kinetics
H Struebing, Z Ganase, PG Karamertzanis, E Siougkrou, P Haycock, ...
Nature chemistry 5 (11), 952-957, 2013
PM; Webley, P.; Wilcox
M Bui, CS Adjiman, A Bardow, EJ Anthony, A Boston, S Brown, ...
J, 0
A potential model for methane in water describing correctly the solubility of the gas and the properties of the methane hydrate
H Docherty, A Galindo, C Vega, E Sanz
The Journal of chemical physics 125 (7), 2006
SAFT-γ force field for the simulation of molecular fluids: 2. Coarse-grained models of greenhouse gases, refrigerants, and long alkanes
C Avendano, T Lafitte, CS Adjiman, A Galindo, EA Müller, G Jackson
The journal of physical chemistry B 117 (9), 2717-2733, 2013
A generalisation of the SAFT-γ group contribution method for groups comprising multiple spherical segments
A Lymperiadis, CS Adjiman, G Jackson, A Galindo
Fluid Phase Equilibria 274 (1-2), 85-104, 2008
Predicting the High-Pressure Phase Equilibria of Water + n-Alkanes Using a Simplified SAFT Theory with Transferable Intermolecular Interaction Parameters
A Galindo, PJ Whitehead, G Jackson
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (16), 6781-6792, 1996
Interfacial tension measurements and modelling of (carbon dioxide+ n-alkane) and (carbon dioxide+ water) binary mixtures at elevated pressures and temperatures
A Georgiadis, F Llovell, A Bismarck, FJ Blas, A Galindo, GC Maitland, ...
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 55 (2), 743-754, 2010
Prediction of binary intermolecular potential parameters for use in modelling fluid mixtures
AJ Haslam, A Galindo, G Jackson
Fluid Phase Equilibria 266 (1-2), 105-128, 2008
Prediction of thermodynamic properties and phase behavior of fluids and mixtures with the SAFT-γ Mie group-contribution equation of state
S Dufal, V Papaioannou, M Sadeqzadeh, T Pogiatzis, A Chremos, ...
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 59 (10), 3272-3288, 2014
Modeling the fluid phase behavior of carbon dioxide in aqueous solutions of monoethanolamine using transferable parameters with the SAFT-VR approach
N Mac Dowell, F Llovell, CS Adjiman, G Jackson, A Galindo
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 49 (4), 1883-1899, 2010
A hierarchical method to integrated solvent and process design of physical CO2 absorption using the SAFT‐γ Mie approach
J Burger, V Papaioannou, S Gopinath, G Jackson, A Galindo, CS Adjiman
AIChE Journal 61 (10), 3249-3269, 2015
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Articles 1–20