Maikol Solís
Cited by
Cited by
Non-parametric estimation of the first-order Sobol indices with bootstrap bandwidth
M Solís
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 50 (9), 2497-2512, 2021
Efficient estimation of conditional covariance matrices for dimension reduction
S Da Veiga, JM Loubes, M Solís
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 46 (9), 4403-4424, 2017
Rates of convergence in conditional covariance matrix with nonparametric entries estimation
JM Loubes, C Marteau, M Solís
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 1-23, 2019
Conditional covariance estimation for dimension reduction and sensivity analysis
M Solís
Université de Toulouse, Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, 2014
Rates of convergence in conditional covariance matrix estimation
JM Loubes, C Marteau, M Solıs
arXiv preprint ArXiv:1310.8244, 2014
Using relative weight analysis with residualization to detect relevant nonlinear interaction effects in ordinary and logistic regressions
M Solís, C Pasquier
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.14095, 2021
Geometric goodness of fit measure to detect patterns in data point clouds
AJ Hernández, M Solís
Computational Statistics 38 (3), 1231-1253, 2023
Rates of convergence in conditional covariance matrix with nonparametric entries estimation
JM Loubes, C Marteau, M Solís
arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.8244, 2013
Machine learning-driven COVID-19 early triage and large-scale testing strategies based on the 2021 Costa Rican Actualidades survey
C Pasquier, M Solís, V Vilchez, S Núñez-Corrales
medRxiv, 2024.04. 02.24305223, 2024
Estimating the performance of mass testing strategies for COVID-19: a case study for Costa Rica
M Solís, C Pasquier, S Núñez-Corrales, G Madrigal-Redondo, ...
medRxiv, 2022.09. 05.22279618, 2022
Estimation of first-order sensitivity indices based on symmetric reflected Vietoris-Rips complexes areas
AJ Hernández, M Solís, RA Zúñiga-Rojas
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.05351, 2020
Sensitivity analysis with manifolds
AJ Hernándeza, M Solısb, RA Zúniga-Rojasc
arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.00669, 2018
Topological Sensitivity Analysis Using R
M Solís, A Hernández, R Zuniga
Conferencia Latinoamericana sobre Uso de R en Investigación+ Desarrollo …, 2018
Rates of convergence in conditional covariancematrix estimation
M Solís, JM Loubes, C Marteau
XX Simposio Internacional de Métodos Matemáticos Aplicados a las Ciencias, 2016
Estimating the performance of mass testing strategies for COVID-19: a case study for Costa Rica
M Solís Chacón, C Pasquier, S Núñez Corrales, GL Madrigal Redondo, ...
Spatgeom: An R Package for Estimating Geometric Goodness-of-Fit Using Alpha Shapes
M Solís, AA Hernández
Available at SSRN 4467629, 0
Geometric goodness of fit measure to detect patterns in data point clouds
AJ Hernández Alvarado, M Solís Chacón, RA Zúñiga Rojas
Geometrical correlation indices using homological constructions on manifolds
M Solís Chacón, AJ Hernández Alvarado, RA Zúñiga Rojas
Paper’s review: Zhu & Fang, 1996. Asymptotics for kernel estimate of sliced inverse regression.
M Solís
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Articles 1–19