REAL AND VIRTUAL COMPETITION* O Loginova The Journal of Industrial Economics 57 (2), 319-342, 2009 | 65 | 2009 |
Customization with vertically differentiated products O Loginova, XH Wang Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 20 (2), 475-515, 2011 | 28 | 2011 |
Learning in advance selling with heterogeneous consumers O Loginova, XH Wang, C Zeng Managerial and Decision Economics 38 (6), 765-783, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
Brand familiarity and product knowledge in customization O Loginova International Journal of Economic Theory 6 (3), 297-309, 2010 | 25 | 2010 |
Pricing strategies in advance selling: Should a retailer offer a pre-order price guarantee? O Loginova Review of Industrial Organization 49, 465-489, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |
Incentive schemes in peer-to-peer networks O Loginova, H Lu, XH Wang The BE Journal of Theoretical Economics 9 (1), 0000102202193517041501, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
The impact of multi-homing in a ride-hailing market Q Liu, O Loginova, XH Wang SSRN, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Exposure order effects and advertising competition O Loginova Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 71 (2), 528-538, 2009 | 19 | 2009 |
The impact of multi-homing in a ride-sharing market O Loginova, XH Wang, Q Liu The Annals of Regional Science 69 (1), 239-254, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
Price experimentation with strategic buyers O Loginova, CR Taylor Review of Economic Design 12, 165-187, 2008 | 13 | 2008 |
Advance selling in the presence of experienced consumers O Loginova, XH Wang, C Zeng Department of Economics, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
Competitive effects of mass customization O Loginova Review of Marketing Science 10 (1), 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
Customization: ideal varieties, product uniqueness and price competition O Loginova, XH Wang Economics Bulletin 29 (4), 2573-2581, 2009 | 10 | 2009 |
Mass customization in an endogenous-timing game with vertical differentiation O Loginova, XH Wang Economic Modelling 33, 164-173, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Branded websites and marketplace selling: Competing during COVID-19 O Loginova Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 203, 577-592, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
Price competition in the presence of a web aggregator O Loginova, A Mantovani Journal of Economics 126, 43-73, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Price competition online: Platforms versus branded websites O Loginova Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 31 (2), 259-283, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Information and online reviews O Loginova, A Mantovani Quaderni-Working Paper DSE, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
The Impact of Multi-Homing in a Ride-Hailing Market O Loginova, XH Wang, Q Liu Department of Economics, University of Missouri Working Papers, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Sourcing co-created products: Should your suppliers collaborate on cost reductions? O Loginova, NB Syam Review of Industrial Organization 56, 329-355, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |