Andre Bauknecht
Andre Bauknecht
Technical University Braunschweig
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Three-dimensional reconstruction of helicopter blade–tip vortices using a multi-camera BOS system
A Bauknecht, B Ewers, C Wolf, F Leopold, J Yin, M Raffel
Experiments in fluids 56, 1-13, 2015
Active flow control devices for wing load alleviation
K Khalil, S Asaro, A Bauknecht
Journal of Aircraft 59 (2), 458-473, 2022
Blade-tip vortex detection in maneuvering flight using the background-oriented schlieren technique
A Bauknecht, CB Merz, M Raffel, A Landolt, AH Meier
Journal of Aircraft 51 (6), 2005-2014, 2014
Contributions of particle image velocimetry to helicopter aerodynamics
M Raffel, A Bauknecht, M Ramasamy, GK Yamauchi, JT Heineck, ...
AIAA Journal 55 (9), 2859-2874, 2017
Blade tip vortex measurements on actively twisted rotor blades
A Bauknecht, B Ewers, O Schneider, M Raffel
Experiments in Fluids 58 (5), 49, 2017
Aerodynamic results from the STAR hover test: an examination of active twist actuation
A Bauknecht, B Ewers, O Schneider, M Raffel
Airborne visualization of helicopter blade tip vortices
A Bauknecht, CB Merz, M Raffel
Journal of Visualization 20, 139-150, 2017
A full-scale rotor-wake investigation of a free-flying helicopter in ground effect using BOS and PIV
C Schwarz, A Bauknecht, CC Wolf, A Coyle, M Raffel
Journal of the American Helicopter Society 65 (3), 1-20, 2020
Wake characterization of a free-flying model helicopter in ground effect
C Schwarz, A Bauknecht, S Mailänder, M Raffel
Journal of the American Helicopter Society 64 (1), 1-16, 2019
STAR hovering test—proof of functionality and representative results
F Hoffmann, O Schneider, BG van der Wall, R Keimer, S Kalow, ...
Proceedings of the 40th European Rotorcraft Forum, Southampton, UK, 2-5, 2014
Slowed hingeless rotor wind tunnel tests and validation at high advance ratios
X Wang, A Bauknecht, S Maurya, I Chopra
Journal of Aircraft 58 (1), 153-166, 2021
Novel concepts for active load alleviation
A Bauknecht, Y Beyer, J Schultz, S Asaro, K Khalil, U Römer, M Steen, ...
AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum, 0009, 2022
Unsteady characterization of fluidic flow control devices for gust load alleviation
S Asaro, K Khalil, A Bauknecht
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XIII …, 2021
Wind tunnel test of a rotorcraft with lift compounding
A Bauknecht, X Wang, JA Faust, I Chopra
Journal of the American Helicopter Society 66 (1), 1-16, 2021
Semi-empirical physics-based modeling of fuselage-rotor and fuselage-wake interferences for comprehensive codes
BG van der Wall, A Bauknecht, SN Jung, YH You
Blade tip vortex detection in maneuvering flight using the Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) technique
A Bauknecht, CB Merz, A Landolt, AH Meier, M Raffel
69th American Helicopter Society Annual Forum, 2013
Airborne acquisition of blade tip displacements and vortices on a coaxial helicopter
A Bauknecht, M Raffel, B Grebing
Journal of Aircraft 55 (5), 1995-2007, 2018
Background-oriented schlieren imaging of flow around a circular cylinder at low Mach numbers
H Stadler, A Bauknecht, S Siegrist, R Flesch, CC Wolf, N van Hinsberg, ...
Experiments in Fluids 58, 1-12, 2017
Characterization of blade tip vortices on large-scale rotors
A Bauknecht
Semi-empirical modeling of fuselage–rotor interference for comprehensive codes: the fundamental model
BG van der Wall, A Bauknecht, SN Jung, YH You
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 5, 387-401, 2014
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