Andrew Oakleigh Nelson
Andrew Oakleigh Nelson
Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University
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Cited by
DominoSearch: Find layer-wise fine-grained N: M sparse schemes from dense neural networks
W Sun, A Zhou, S Stuijk, R Wijnhoven, AO Nelson, H Corporaal
Advances in neural information processing systems 34, 20721-20732, 2021
Offline contextual bayesian optimization
I Char, Y Chung, W Neiswanger, K Kandasamy, AO Nelson, M Boyer, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
CAKE: consistent automatic kinetic equilibrium reconstruction
ZA Xing, D Eldon, AO Nelson, MA Roelofs, WJ Eggert, O Izacard, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 163, 112163, 2021
Prospects for H-mode inhibition in negative triangularity tokamak reactor plasmas
AO Nelson, C Paz-Soldan, S Saarelma
Nuclear Fusion 62 (9), 096020, 2022
Robust avoidance of edge-localized modes alongside gradient formation in the negative triangularity tokamak edge
AO Nelson, L Schmitz, C Paz-Soldan, KE Thome, TB Cote, N Leuthold, ...
Physical Review Letters 131 (19), 195101, 2023
Identifying the microtearing modes in the pedestal of DIII-D H-modes using gyrokinetic simulations
E Hassan, DR Hatch, MR Halfmoon, M Curie, MT Kotchenreuther, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (2), 026008, 2021
Hydrogen retention in lithium and lithium oxide films
L Buzi, Y Yang, FJ Domínguez-Gutiérrez, AO Nelson, M Hofman, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 502, 161-168, 2018
Neural dynamical systems: Balancing structure and flexibility in physical prediction
V Mehta, I Char, W Neiswanger, Y Chung, A Nelson, M Boyer, E Kolemen, ...
2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3735-3742, 2021
DIII-D research advancing the physics basis for optimizing the tokamak approach to fusion energy
ME Fenstermacher, J Abbate, S Abe, T Abrams, M Adams, B Adamson, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (4), 042024, 2022
Alfvén eigenmode classification based on ECE diagnostics at DIII-D using deep recurrent neural networks
A Jalalvand, AA Kaptanoglu, AV Garcia, AO Nelson, J Abbate, ME Austin, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (2), 026007, 2021
Time-dependent experimental identification of inter-ELM microtearing modes in the tokamak edge on DIII-D
AO Nelson, FM Laggner, A Diallo, D Smith, ZA Xing, R Shousha, ...
Nuclear Fusion 61 (11), 116038, 2021
Real-time pedestal optimization and ELM control with 3D fields and gas flows on DIII-D
FM Laggner, D Eldon, AO Nelson, C Paz-Soldan, A Bortolon, TE Evans, ...
Nuclear Fusion 60 (7), 076004, 2020
Optimization of 3D controlled ELM-free state with recovered global confinement for KSTAR with n= 1 resonant magnetic field perturbation
SK Kim, R Shousha, SH Hahn, AO Nelson, J Wai, SM Yang, JK Park, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (2), 026043, 2022
Visage: Enabling timely analytics for drone imagery
S Jha, Y Li, S Noghabi, V Ranganathan, P Kumar, A Nelson, M Toelle, ...
Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing …, 2021
Radiative pulsed L-mode operation in ARC-class reactors
SJ Frank, CJ Perks, AO Nelson, T Qian, S Jin, A Cavallaro, A Rutkowski, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (12), 126036, 2022
A survey of pedestal magnetic fluctuations using gyrokinetics and a global reduced model for microtearing stability
MT Curie, JL Larakers, DR Hatch, AO Nelson, A Diallo, E Hassan, ...
Physics of Plasmas 29 (4), 2022
Setting the H-mode pedestal structure: variations of particle source location using gas puff and pellet fueling
AO Nelson, FM Laggner, R Groebner, BA Grierson, O Izacard, D Eldon, ...
Nuclear Fusion 60 (4), 046003, 2020
Gyrokinetic analysis of inter-edge localized mode transport mechanisms in a DIII-D pedestal
MR Halfmoon, DR Hatch, MT Kotschenreuther, SM Mahajan, AO Nelson, ...
Physics of Plasmas 29 (11), 2022
An improved theory of the response of DIII-D H-mode discharges to static resonant magnetic perturbations and its implications for the suppression of edge localized modes
R Fitzpatrick, AO Nelson
Physics of Plasmas 27 (7), 2020
Design and experimental demonstration of feedback adaptive RMP ELM controller toward complete long pulse ELM suppression on KSTAR
R Shousha, SK Kim, KG Erickson, SH Hahn, AO Nelson, SM Yang, ...
Physics of Plasmas 29 (3), 2022
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Articles 1–20