Alexander Shapiro
Alexander Shapiro
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Cited by
Power efficient level shifter for 16 nm FinFET near threshold circuits
A Shapiro, EG Friedman
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 24 (2), 774-778, 2016
Back to the Future: Current-Mode Processor in the Era of Deeply Scaled CMOS
Y Bai, Y Song, MN Bojnordi, A Shapiro, EG Friedman, E Ipek
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 24 (4 …, 2016
MOS Current Mode Logic Near Threshold Circuits
A Shapiro, EG Friedman
Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications 4 (2), 138-152, 2014
Adaptive power gating of 32-bit Kogge Stone adder
AE Shapiro, F Atallah, K Kim, J Jeong, J Fischer, EG Friedman
Integration, the VLSI Journal 53, 80-87, 2016
Architecting a MOS current mode logic (MCML) processor for fast, low noise and energy-efficient computing in the near-threshold regime
Y Bai, Y Song, MN Bojnordi, A Shapiro, E Ipek, E Friedman
Computer Design (ICCD), 2015 33rd IEEE International Conference on, 527-534, 2015
Interconnect Delay Model for Wide Supply Voltage Range Repeater Insertion in Sub-22 nm FinFET Technologies
AE Shapiro, EG Friedman
Journal of Low Power Electronics 13 (3), 395-401, 2017
Performance characteristics of 14 nm near threshold MCML circuits
A Shapiro, EG Friedman
SOI-3D-Subthreshold Microelectronics Technology Unified Conference (S3S …, 2013
Adaptive Voltage Management Enabling Energy Efficiency in Nanoscale Integrated Circuits
AE Shapiro
University of Rochester, 2016
Power Efficiency of 14 nm MCML Near Threshold Circuits
A Shapiro, EG Friedman
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