Egon Pavlica
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Cited by
Flexible non-volatile optical memory thin-film transistor device with over 256 distinct levels based on an organic bicomponent blend
T Leydecker, M Herder, E Pavlica, G Bratina, S Hecht, E Orgiu, P Samorě
Nature nanotechnology 11 (9), 769-775, 2016
Optically switchable transistor via energy-level phototuning in a bicomponent organic semiconductor
E Orgiu, N Crivillers, M Herder, L Grubert, M Pätzel, J Frisch, E Pavlica, ...
Nature chemistry 4 (8), 675-679, 2012
The effect of polymer molecular weight on the performance of PTB7-Th: O-IDTBR non-fullerene organic solar cells
SF Hoefler, T Rath, N Pastukhova, E Pavlica, D Scheunemann, S Wilken, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (20), 9506-9516, 2018
A nanomesh scaffold for supramolecular nanowire optoelectronic devices
L Zhang, X Zhong, E Pavlica, S Li, A Klekachev, G Bratina, TW Ebbesen, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 11 (10), 900-906, 2016
Highly active photocatalytic coatings prepared by a low-temperature method
M Kete, E Pavlica, F Fresno, G Bratina, UL Štangar
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 11238-11249, 2014
Multiresponsive nonvolatile memories based on optically switchable ferroelectric organic field‐effect transistors
M Carroli, AG Dixon, M Herder, E Pavlica, S Hecht, G Bratina, E Orgiu, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (14), 2007965, 2021
Photo-induced intramolecular charge transfer in an ambipolar field-effect transistor based on a π-conjugated donor–acceptor dyad
R Pfattner, E Pavlica, M Jaggi, SX Liu, S Decurtins, G Bratina, J Veciana, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1 (25), 3985-3988, 2013
Self‐suspended nanomesh scaffold for ultrafast flexible photodetectors based on organic semiconducting crystals
L Zhang, N Pasthukova, Y Yao, X Zhong, E Pavlica, G Bratina, E Orgiu, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (28), 1801181, 2018
Electron-withdrawing substituted tetrathiafulvalenes as ambipolar semiconductors
F Otón, R Pfattner, E Pavlica, Y Olivier, E Moreno, J Puigdollers, G Bratina, ...
Chemistry of Materials 23 (3), 851-861, 2011
Novel Chitosan–Mg(OH)2-Based Nanocomposite Membranes for Direct Alkaline Ethanol Fuel Cells
B Kaker, S Hribernik, T Mohan, R Kargl, K Stana Kleinschek, E Pavlica, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (24), 19356-19368, 2019
Time-of-flight mobility of charge carriers in position-dependent electric field between coplanar electrodes
E Pavlica, G Bratina
Applied Physics Letters 101 (9), 2012
Modulation of charge transport properties of reduced graphene oxide by submonolayer physisorption of an organic dye
SR Pathipati, E Pavlica, E Treossi, R Rizzoli, GP Veronese, V Palermo, ...
Organic electronics 14 (7), 1787-1792, 2013
Solution-processed graphene–nanographene van der Waals heterostructures for photodetectors with efficient and ultralong charge separation
Z Liu, H Qiu, S Fu, C Wang, X Yao, AG Dixon, S Campidelli, E Pavlica, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (41), 17109-17116, 2021
Fast-response photonic device based on organic-crystal heterojunctions assembled into a vertical-yet-open asymmetric architecture
L Zhang, E Pavlica, X Zhong, F Liscio, S Li, G Bratina, E Orgiu, P Samorě
Adv. Mater 29 (1605760), 10.1002, 2017
Pentacene on graphene: Differences between single layer and bilayer
M Chhikara, E Pavlica, A Matković, A Beltaos, R Gajić, G Bratina
Carbon 69, 162-168, 2014
Influence of solid-state microstructure on the electronic performance of 5, 11-bis (triethylsilylethynyl) anthradithiophene
L Yu, X Li, E Pavlica, FPV Koch, G Portale, I da Silva, MA Loth, ...
Chemistry of Materials 25 (9), 1823-1828, 2013
Properties and application perspective of hybrid titania-silica patterns fabricated by inkjet printing
P Dzik, M Veselý, M Kete, E Pavlica, UL Štangar, M Neumann-Spallart
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (30), 16177-16190, 2015
Effect of Water Layer at the SiO2/Graphene Interface on Pentacene Morphology
M Chhikara, E Pavlica, A Matković, R Gajić, G Bratina
Langmuir 30 (39), 11681-11688, 2014
Characterisation of charge carrier transport in thin organic semiconductor layers by time-of-flight photocurrent measurements
G Bratina, E Pavlica
Organic Electronics 64, 117-130, 2019
Factors determining large observed increases in power conversion efficiency of P3HT: PCBM solar cells embedded with Mo6S9− xIx nanowires
N Ćelić, E Pavlica, M Borovšak, J Strle, J Buh, J Zavašnik, G Bratina, ...
Synthetic Metals 212, 105-112, 2016
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Articles 1–20