K.M. Allen
K.M. Allen
Postdoctoral researcher, Johns Hopkins University
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Task-specific sensory coding strategies are matched to detection and discrimination performance
KM Allen, G Marsat
Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (6), jeb170563, 2018
Communication with self, friends and foes in active-sensing animals
TK Jones, KM Allen, CF Moss
Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (22), jeb242637, 2021
Orienting our view of the superior colliculus: specializations and general functions
KM Allen, J Lawlor, A Salles, CF Moss
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 71, 119-126, 2021
Neural Processing of Communication Signals: The Extent of Sender–Receiver Matching Varies across Species of Apteronotus
KM Allen, G Marsat
eNeuro 6 (2), 2019
Effect of background clutter on neural discrimination in the bat auditory midbrain
KM Allen, A Salles, S Park, M Elhilali, CF Moss
Journal of Neurophysiology 126 (5), 1772-1782, 2021
Differences in sodium channel densities in the apical dendrites of pyramidal cells of the electrosensory lateral line lobe.
SI Motipally, KM Allen, DK Williamson, G Marsat
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 13, 41, 2019
Natural statistics as inference principles of auditory tuning in biological and artificial midbrain networks
S Park, A Salles, K Allen, CF Moss, M Elhilali
Eneuro 8 (3), 2021
Amazon Nights II: Electric Boogaloo: Neural Adaptations for Communication in Three Species of Weakly Electric Fish
K Allen
West Virginia University, 2019
Midbrain inactivation produces sonar navigation deficits in the echolocating bat, Eptesicus fuscus
CA Diebold, K Allen, J Lawlor, CF Moss
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153 (3_supplement), A95-A95, 2023
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