Sheldon H. Jacobson
Cited by
Cited by
Application of discrete-event simulation in health care clinics: A survey
JB Jun, SH Jacobson, JR Swisher
Journal of the operational research society 50 (2), 109-123, 1999
The theory and practice of simulated annealing
D Henderson, SH Jacobson, AW Johnson
Handbook of metaheuristics, 287-319, 2003
Branch-and-bound algorithms: A survey of recent advances in searching, branching, and pruning
DR Morrison, SH Jacobson, JJ Sauppe, EC Sewell
Discrete Optimization 19, 79-102, 2016
Discrete-event simulation of health care systems
SH Jacobson, SN Hall, JR Swisher
Patient flow: Reducing delay in healthcare delivery, 273-309, 2013
A survey of simulation optimization techniques and procedures
JR Swisher, PD Hyden, SH Jacobson, LW Schruben
2000 Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings (Cat. No. 00CH37165) 1, 119-128, 2000
Modeling and analyzing a physician clinic environment using discrete-event (visual) simulation
JR Swisher, SH Jacobson, JB Jun, O Balci
Computers & operations research 28 (2), 105-125, 2001
Discrete-event simulation optimization using ranking, selection, and multiple comparison procedures: A survey
JR Swisher, SH Jacobson, E Yücesan
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 13 (2), 134-154, 2003
Simulated annealing
AG Nikolaev, SH Jacobson
Handbook of metaheuristics, 1-39, 2010
Fuel saving and ridesharing in the US: Motivations, limitations, and opportunities
SH Jacobson, DM King
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 14 (1), 14-21, 2009
Evaluating the design of a family practice healthcare clinic using discrete-event simulation
JR Swisher, SH Jacobson
Health Care Management Science 5, 75-88, 2002
Techniques for simulation response optimization
SH Jacobson, LW Schruben
Operations Research Letters 8 (1), 1-9, 1989
A branch, bound, and remember algorithm for the simple assembly line balancing problem
EC Sewell, SH Jacobson
INFORMS Journal on Computing 24 (3), 433-442, 2012
An application of the branch, bound, and remember algorithm to a new simple assembly line balancing dataset
DR Morrison, EC Sewell, SH Jacobson
European Journal of Operational Research 236 (2), 403-409, 2014
Risk-based policies for airport security checkpoint screening
LA McLay, AJ Lee, SH Jacobson
Transportation science 44 (3), 333-349, 2010
A multilevel passenger screening problem for aviation security
LA McLay, SH Jacobson, JE Kobza
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 53 (3), 183-197, 2006
A note on the relationship between obesity and driving
SH Jacobson, DM King, R Yuan
Transport Policy 18 (5), 772-776, 2011
Addressing the challenges to immunization practice with an economic algorithm for vaccine selection
BG Weniger, RT Chen, SH Jacobson, EC Sewell, R Deuson, ...
Vaccine 16 (19), 1885-1897, 1998
Probability models for access security system architectures
JE Kobza, SH Jacobson
Journal of the Operational Research Society 48 (3), 255-263, 1997
On the convergence of generalized hill climbing algorithms
AW Johnson, SH Jacobson
Discrete applied mathematics 119 (1-2), 37-57, 2002
A survey of recent advances in discrete input parameter discrete-event simulation optimization
JR Swisher, PD Hyden, SH Jacobson, LW Schruben
Iie Transactions 36 (6), 591-600, 2004
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Articles 1–20