Christopher Bystroff
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Cited by
Macromolecular modeling and design in Rosetta: recent methods and frameworks
JK Leman, BD Weitzner, SM Lewis, J Adolf-Bryfogle, N Alam, RF Alford, ...
Nature methods 17 (7), 665-680, 2020
Improved recognition of native‐like protein structures using a combination of sequence‐dependent and sequence‐independent features of proteins
KT Simons, I Ruczinski, C Kooperberg, BA Fox, C Bystroff, D Baker
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 34 (1), 82-95, 1999
Prediction of local structure in proteins using a library of sequence-structure motifs
C Bystroff, D Baker
Journal of molecular biology 281 (3), 565-577, 1998
HMMSTR: a hidden Markov model for local sequence-structure correlations in proteins.
C Bystroff, V Thorsson, D Baker
Journal of molecular biology 301 (1), 173, 2000
Crystal structures of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase: the NADP+ holoenzyme and the folate. cntdot. NADP+ ternary complex. substrate binding and a model for the …
C Bystroff, SJ Oatley, J Kraut
Biochemistry 29 (13), 3263-3277, 1990
Crystal structure of unliganded Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase. Ligand-induced conformational changes and cooperativity in binding
C Bystroff, J Kraut
Biochemistry 30 (8), 2227-2239, 1991
Fully automated ab initio protein structure prediction using I-SITES, HMMSTR and ROSETTA
C Bystroff, Y Shao
ISMB, 54-61, 2002
Identification of the peptide sequences within the EIIIA (EDA) segment of fibronectin that mediate integrin α9β1-dependent cellular activities
AV Shinde, C Bystroff, C Wang, MG Vogelezang, PA Vincent, RO Hynes, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (5), 2858-2870, 2008
Local sequence-structure correlations in proteins
C Bystroff, KT Simons, KF Han, D Baker
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 7 (4), 417-421, 1996
Comparative void-volume analysis of psychrophilic and mesophilic enzymes: Structural bioinformatics of psychrophilic enzymes reveals sources of core flexibility
DI Paredes, K Watters, DJ Pitman, C Bystroff, JS Dordick
BMC structural biology 11 (1), 42, 2011
Predicting interresidue contacts using templates and pathways
Y Shao, C Bystroff
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 53 (S6), 497-502, 2003
Efficient remote homology detection using local structure
Y Hou, W Hsu, ML Lee, C Bystroff
Bioinformatics 19 (17), 2294-2301, 2003
Identifying the subproteome of kinetically stable proteins via diagonal 2D SDS/PAGE
K Xia, M Manning, H Hesham, Q Lin, C Bystroff, W Colón
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (44), 17329-17334, 2007
Macromolecular chelation as an improved mechanism of protease inhibition: structure of the ecotin‐trypsin complex.
ME McGrath, T Erpel, C Bystroff, RJ Fletterick
The EMBO journal 13 (7), 1502-1507, 1994
Mining Protein Contact Maps.
J Hu, X Shen, Y Shao, C Bystroff, MJ Zaki
BIOKDD 2, 3-10, 2002
PRISM: topologically constrained phased refinement for macromolecular crystallography
D Baker, C BYsTRoFF, RJ Fletterick, DA Agard
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 49 (5), 429-439, 1993
Remote homolog detection using local sequence–structure correlations
Y Hou, W Hsu, ML Lee, C Bystroff
PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 57 (3), 518-530, 2004
Mining residue contacts in proteins
MJ Zaki, C Bystroff
Data Mining for Scientific and Engineering Applications, 141-164, 2001
Non-sequential structure-based alignments reveal topology-independent core packing arrangements in proteins
X Yuan, C Bystroff
Bioinformatics 21 (7), 1010-1019, 2005
Improved pairwise alignments of proteins in the Twilight Zone using local structure predictions
Y Huang, C Bystroff
Bioinformatics 22 (4), 413-422, 2006
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Articles 1–20