Power relations in exchange networks B Markovsky, D Willer, T Patton American sociological review, 220-236, 1988 | 693 | 1988 |
Power and influence: A theoretical bridge D Willer, MJ Lovaglia, B Markovsky Social forces 76 (2), 571-603, 1997 | 316 | 1997 |
Toward a multilevel distributive justice theory B Markovsky American Sociological Review, 822-839, 1985 | 270 | 1985 |
The seeds of weak power: An extension of network exchange theory B Markovsky, J Skvoretz, D Willer, MJ Lovaglia, J Erger American Sociological Review, 197-209, 1993 | 250 | 1993 |
Justice and injustice KA Hegtvedt, BN Markovsky | 200 | 1995 |
Artificial social intelligence WS Bainbridge, EE Brent, KM Carley, DR Heise, MW Macy, B Markovsky, ... Annual review of sociology 20 (1), 407-436, 1994 | 174 | 1994 |
Structural social psychology and the micro-macro problem EJ Lawler, C Ridgeway, B Markovsky Sociological Theory, 268-290, 1993 | 172 | 1993 |
A new theory of group solidarity B Markovsky, EJ Lawler | 152 | 1994 |
Do status interventions persist? B Markovsky, FS Le Roy, J Berger American Sociological Review, 373-382, 1984 | 147 | 1984 |
Anchoring justice B Markovsky Social Psychology Quarterly, 213-224, 1988 | 141 | 1988 |
Injustice and arousal B Markovsky Social Justice Research 2, 223-233, 1988 | 133 | 1988 |
Negotiated exchanges in social networks MJ Lovaglia, J Skvoretz, D Willer, B Markovsky Social Forces 74 (1), 123-155, 1995 | 131* | 1995 |
From status to power: New models at the intersection of two theories SR Thye, D Willer, B Markovsky Social Forces 84 (3), 1471-1495, 2006 | 120 | 2006 |
Network exchange theory: Recent developments and new directions HA Walker, SR Thye, B Simpson, MJ Lovaglia, D Willer, B Markovsky Social Psychology Quarterly, 324-337, 2000 | 119 | 2000 |
Power and the perception of social networks B Simpson, B Markovsky, M Steketee Social Networks 33 (2), 166-171, 2011 | 117 | 2011 |
Responses to social exchange and social exclusion in networks SR Thye, MJ Lovaglia, B Markovsky Social Forces 75 (3), 1031-1047, 1997 | 84 | 1997 |
Social influence on paranormal beliefs B Markovsky, SR Thye Sociological Perspectives 44 (1), 21-44, 2001 | 77 | 2001 |
Interpersonal communication about pictorial health warnings on cigarette packages: Policy-related influences and relationships with smoking cessation attempts JF Thrasher, EN Abad-Vivero, L Huang, RJ O'Connor, D Hammond, ... Social Science & Medicine 164, 141-149, 2016 | 70 | 2016 |
Toward multilevel sociological theories: Simulations of actor and network effects B Markovsky Sociological Theory 5 (1), 101-117, 1987 | 66 | 1987 |
New directions in contemporary sociological theory J Berger, M Zelditch Rowman & Littlefield, 2002 | 64 | 2002 |