Abd EL-Aziz Ahmed
Cited by
Cited by
JSON Encryption
AA Abd El-Aziz, A Kannan
2014 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics …, 2014
A Survey on Exploring Key Performance Indicators
M Badawy, AA Abd El-Aziz, H. Hefny, AM Idress, S Hossam
Future Computing and Informatics Journal, 10.1016/j.fcij.2016.04.001, 2016, 2016
A Literature Review on Twitter Data Analysis
H Anber, A Salah, AA Abd El-Aziz
2016 2nd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2016
Multiple Ocular Disease Diagnosis Using Fundus Images Based on Multi-Label Deep Learning Classification
O Ouda, E AbdelMaksoud, AA Abd El-Aziz, M Elmogy
Electronics 11 (13), 1-27, 2022
A fully automatic fine tuned deep learning model for knee osteoarthritis detection and progression analysis
SA El-Ghany, M Elmogy, AA Abd El-Aziz
Egyptian Informatics Journal 24 (2), 229-240, 2023
A Novel Coronavirus Forecasting Model using Nonlinear Autoregressive Artificial Neural Network
NM Ghazaly, MA Abdel-Fattah, AA Abd EL-Aziz
International journal of Advanced Sciene and Technology (IJAST) 29 (5), 2020
Exploring and Measuring the Key Performance Indicators in Higher Education Institutions
M Badway, AA Abd El-Aziz, H Hefny
The International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Information Sciences …, 2018
Computer-Aided Diagnosis System for Blood Diseases Using EfficientNet-B3 Based on a Dynamic Learning Algorithm
SA El-Ghany, M Elmogy, AA Abd El-Aziz
Diagnostics 13 (3), 2023
A Survey on Mitigation Techniques against DDoS Attacks on Cloud Computing Architecture
A Baker., AA Abd EL-Aziz, Hesham A. Hefny
International journal of Advanced Sciene and Technology (IJAST) 28 (12), 187-200, 2019
Cytotoxic essential oil from Annona sengalensis Pers. leaves
AL Ahmed, SEM Bassem, YH Mohamed, MW Gamila
Pharmacognosy Research 2 (4), 211, 2010
A-Tuning Ensemble Machine Learning Technique for Cerebral Stroke Prediction
ME Meshrif Alruily, Sameh Abd El-Ghany, Ayman Mohamed Mostafa, ...
Applied Sciences 13 (8), 5047-5066, 2023
Design a secure IoT Architecture using Smart Wireless Networks
N Almrezeq, L Almadhoor, T Alrasheed, AA Abd El-Aziz, S Nashwan
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security 12 …, 2020
An Enhanced Approach to Improve the Security and Performance for Deduplication
N Almrezeq, M Humayun, AA Abd El-Aziz, NZ Jhanjhi
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 12 (6), 2866-2882, 2021
A New Approach for Cancer Prediction based on Deep Neural Learning
H Elwahsh, T Medhat, A, AA Abd El-Aziz, M Mahmood A., M Alsabaan, ...
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences 35 (6 …, 2023
Device Access Control and Key Exchange (DACK) Protocol for Internet of Things
N Almrezeq, MA Haque, S Haque, AA Abd El-Aziz
International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 12 (1), 2022
A Comprehensive Presentation to XACML
AA Abd El-Aziz, A Kannan
In the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational …, 2013
Mapping XML DTDs to relational schemas
AA Abd El-Aziz, H Oakasha
Computer Systems and Applications, 2005. The 3rd ACS/IEEE International …, 2005
Access control for healthcare data using extended XACML-SRBAC model
AA Abd EL-Aziz, A Kannan
2012 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, 1-4, 2012
Smart Greenhouse Based on ANN and IOT
MA Tawfeek, S Alanazi, AA Abd El-Aziz
Processes 10 (11), 2022
Reliable prediction of software defects using Shapley interpretable machine learning models
Y Al-Smadi, M Eshtay, A Al-Qerem, S Nashwan, O Ouda, AA Abd El-Aziz
Egyptian Informatics Journal 24 (3), 100386, 2023
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Articles 1–20